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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing M, O and 2W

ARROWWORMarrowworm n. (Zoology) A transparent predatory marine worm of the phylum Chaetognatha, found in plankton.
arrow␣worm n. A predatory marine worm of the phylum Chaetognatha.
ARROWWORM n. a peculiar transparent worm of the genus Sagitta, living at the surface of the sea.
GLOWWORMSglowworms n. Plural of glowworm.
glow-worms n. Plural of glow-worm.
GLOWWORM n. a beetle, the wingless female and other stages of which emit light from the abdomen.
LAWNMOWERlawnmower n. A device used for cutting grass to a chosen height, typically of landscaped lawns of residences or institutions.
lawnmower n. A person who landscapes and in particular mows lawns.
lawnmower n. (Preceded by definite article) A dance move in which the dancer mimics using a petrol lawn mower by…
NEWSWOMANnewswoman n. A female reporter or newsreader.
NEWSWOMAN n. a female newsman.
NEWSWOMENnewswomen n. Plural of newswoman.
NEWSWOMAN n. a female newsman.
SCREWWORMscrewworm n. The larva of the fly Cochliomyia hominivorax (New World screwworm) or Chrysomya bezziana (Old World…
SCREWWORM n. the larva of a dipterous fly which develops under the skin of certain animals.
SLOWWORMSslowworms n. Plural of slowworm.
slow-worms n. Plural of slow-worm.
slow␣worms n. Plural of slow worm.
STRAWWORMstrawworm n. The grub of the caddis fly.
STRAWWORM n. a caddice worm.
WASHWOMANwashwoman n. A washerwoman.
WASHWOMAN n. a woman who does laundry, also WASHERWOMAN.
WASHWOMENwashwomen n. Plural of washwoman.
WASHWOMAN n. a woman who does laundry, also WASHERWOMAN.
WHEATWORMwheatworm n. Anguina tritici, a nematode worm that attacks wheat.
WHEATWORM n. a small nematode worm which attacks the grains of wheat in the ear.
WHIPWORMSwhipworms n. Plural of whipworm.
WHIPWORM n. a parasitic worm.
WIREWORMSwireworms n. Plural of wireworm.
WIREWORM n. a hard-bodied wormlike larva of the click beetle, destructive to plant roots.
WISEWOMANwise␣woman n. A woman who is a sage or seer; a witch (usually benevolent); a traditional female herbalist or midwife.
WISEWOMAN n. a witch or seeress.
WISEWOMENwise␣women n. Plural of wise woman.
WISEWOMAN n. a witch or seeress.
WOODWORMSwoodworms n. Plural of woodworm.
WOODWORM n. any of various insect larvae that bore into wooden furniture, beams, etc., esp. the larvae of the furniture beetle and the deathwatch beetle.
WORKWOMANworkwoman n. A woman who performs manual labour.
WORKWOMAN n. a female workman.
WORKWOMENworkwomen n. Plural of workwoman.
WORKWOMAN n. a female workman.
WORMWHEELwormwheel n. Alternative form of worm wheel.
worm␣wheel n. A wheel that is a part of a worm gear or worm drive.
WORMWHEEL n. the wheel of a wormgear.
WORMWOODSwormwoods n. Plural of wormwood.
Wormwoods prop.n. Plural of Wormwood.
WORMWOOD n. the bitter plant Artemisia absinthium, formerly used as a vermifuge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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