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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing M, R, S and X

BOXROOMSboxrooms n. Plural of boxroom.
box␣rooms n. Plural of box room.
BOXROOM n. a room for storing boxes.
BRUXISMSbruxisms n. Plural of bruxism.
BRUXISM n. a nervous grinding of the teeth.
EXCIMERSexcimers n. Plural of excimer.
EXCIMER n. a dimer above the ground state.
EXHUMERSexhumers n. Plural of exhumer.
EXHUMER n. someone who exhumes.
EXODERMSexoderms n. Plural of exoderm.
EXODERM n. the external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EPIBLAST.
EXORCISMexorcism n. The ritual act of driving out evil spirits from persons, places or things that are possessed by them.
EXORCISM n. the act of exorcising.
EXTREMESextremes n. Plural of extreme.
EXTREME n. the highest degree.
MARTEXTSmartexts n. Plural of martext.
MARTEXT n. an ignorant preacher.
MATRIXESmatrixes n. Plural of matrix.
MATRIX n. (Latin) the womb; that in which anything is embedded, also MATRICE.
MIXTURESmixtures n. Plural of mixture.
MIXTURE n. the product of mixing.
PAROXYSMparoxysm n. A random or sudden outburst (of activity).
paroxysm n. An explosive event during a volcanic eruption.
paroxysm n. A sudden recurrence of a disease, such as a seizure or a coughing fit.
PREMIXESpremixes n. Plural of premix.
PREMIX v. to mix before use.
REMIXERSremixers n. Plural of remixer.
REMIXER n. one that remixes (a recording).
SCRUMPOXscrumpox n. Herpes gladiatorum.
SCRUMPOX n. (slang) rugby slang for impetigo spread by players' faces rubbing together in the scrum.
SUPERMAXsupermax n. A prison with the highest possible level of security.
supermax adj. Being, or pertaining to, such a prison.
SUPERMAX n. a jail with the highest level of security.
TRIMIXESTRIMIX n. a mixture of nitrogen, helium and oxygen, used by deep-sea divers.
WAXWORMSwaxworms n. Plural of waxworm.
WAXWORM n. a moth that infests beehives.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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