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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing M, N, R and V

MINEVERminever n. Alternative form of miniver.
MINEVER n. the ermine in winter coat, also MINIVER.
MINIVERminiver n. A light gray or white fur used to trim the robes of judges or state executives, also used in medieval times.
MINIVER n. the ermine in winter coat, also MINEVER.
MIRVINGmirving v. Present participle of mirv.
MIRV v. (slang) to provide with mirv capabilities, i.e. missiles containing many thermonuclear warheads.
OVERMANoverman n. A person who supervises others; a supervisor, especially in a mine.
overman n. A person with great powers; a superman.
overman v. To provide with too many personnel; overstaff.
OVERMENovermen n. Plural of overman.
OVERMAN n. a foreman.
VARMENTvarment n. Alternative form of varmint.
VARMENT n. (dialect) a pest, vermin, also VARMINT.
VARMINTvarmint n. A pestering animal such as one that kills or harasses a farmer’s livestock or crops.
varmint n. (By extension) An obnoxious person or troublemaker.
VARMINT n. an animal considered to be a pest, vermin, also VARMENT.
VENOMERvenomer n. (Dated, rare) One who or that which poisons.
VENOMER n. (archaic) a poisoner.
VERMIANvermian adj. Of or relating to worms.
vermian adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the vermis.
VERMIAN adj. pertaining to worms.
VERMINSvermins n. Plural of vermin.
VERMIN n. troublesome animals or birds.
VERMINYverminy adj. Resembling, characteristic of, or infested with vermin.
VERMINY adj. full of vermin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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