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There are 16 seven-letter words containing M, N and 2R

MANURERmanurer n. A person that deals with manure, especially one engaged in natural fertilizers.
MANURER n. one who manures.
MARINERmariner n. A sailor.
Mariner n. (Baseball) A player on the team the Seattle Mariners.
Mariner prop.n. A surname.
MARRANOmarrano n. (Historical) A Jew who converted to Catholicism under threat or force.
Marrano n. (Historical) Any of the Sephardi Jews who stayed in Iberia during the Spanish Inquisition, and continued…
MARRANO n. (Spanish) a Jew who has converted to Christianity to avoid persecution.
MARRINGmarring v. Present participle of mar: ruining, thwarting, spoiling.
marring n. Something that mars or spoils; a blemish.
MAR v. to spoil or damage.
MARRONSmarrons n. Plural of marron.
Marrons prop.n. Plural of Marron.
MARRON n. (Native Australian) a freshwater crayfish of West Australia, also CAMARON, MARON.
MORRIONmorrion n. Alternative form of morion (“helmet”).
MORRION n. (historical) a crested metal helmet worn by soldiers in the 1500's and 1600's, also MORION.
MOURNERmourner n. Someone filled with or expressing grief or sadness, especially over a death; someone who mourns.
mourner n. Any of a number of suboscine birds in the related familes Tityridae and Tyrannidae.
MOURNER n. one that mourns.
MURRAINmurrain n. (Archaic) Plague, infectious disease, pestilence.
murrain n. (Archaic) Curse.
murrain n. (Veterinary medicine, chiefly historical) Any of several highly infectious diseases of cattle, such…
MURRENSMURREN n. (Shakespeare) a disease of cattle, also MURRAIN, MURRIN, MURRION.
MURRINEmurrine n. A glass mosaic cane made by fusing together layers of coloured glass.
murrine adj. Alternative form of murrhine (“made of murra”).
MURRINE n. a kind of clear glassware used to make ancient Roman vases, also MURRHINE, MYRRHINE.
MURRINSmurrins n. Plural of murrin.
Murrins prop.n. Plural of Murrin.
MURRIN n. (Spenser) a disease of cattle, also MURRAIN, MURREN, MURRION.
MURRIONmurrion adj. (Obsolete) Infected with or killed by murrain.
murrion n. Alternative form of morion.
MURRION n. (Shakespeare) a disease of cattle, also MURRAIN, MURREN, MURRIN.
ORRAMANORRAMAN n. (Scots) a worker, esp. on a farm, who does odd jobs.
ORRAMENORRAMAN n. (Scots) a worker, esp. on a farm, who does odd jobs.
UNMARRYunmarry v. (Transitive) To undo the action of marrying somebody.
UNMARRY v. to dissolve the marriage of.
UNMERRYunmerry adj. Not merry, the opposite of merry; sad, gloomy.
UNMERRY adj. not merry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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