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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing M, N and 2P

MAPPINGmapping n. The process of making maps.
mapping n. (Biology) The process of locating genes on a chromosome.
mapping n. (Computing) Assigning a PC to a shared drive or printer port on a network.
MOPPINGmopping v. Present participle of mop.
mopping n. The process of cleaning with a mop.
mopping n. An application of molten asphalt to a roof etc.
PAMPEANpampean adj. Relating to the pampas.
pampean n. A native or inhabitant of the pampas.
PAMPEAN n. a native of the pampas.
PAMPOENPAMPOEN n. (South African) a pumpkin.
PIMPINGpimping adj. (Dated) Little or petty.
pimping adj. (Obsolete, US, dialect) puny; sickly.
pimping adj. (Slang, African American Vernacular English) Consisting of or having the qualities of a pimp.
PLUMPENplumpen v. (Transitive) To make plump; to fatten.
PLUMPEN v. to plump, to make well rounded and full in form.
POMPANOpompano n. Any of various carangid fish, of the genus Trachinotus or species Alectis ciliaris, the African pompano…
pompano n. (Chiefly US) An edible butterfish, Peprilus simillimus, the Pacific pompano.
POMPANO n. (Spanish) any one of several species of marine fish.
POMPIONpompion n. Alternative form of pumpion.
POMPION n. (obsolete) a pumpkin, also PUMPION, PUNKIN.
POMPONSpompons n. Plural of pompon.
POMPON n. (French) any trifling ornament for a woman's dress or bonnet, also POMPOM, POMPOON.
POMPOONpompoon n. Obsolete form of pompom.
POMPOON n. (obsolete) any trifling ornament for a woman's dress or bonnet, also POMPOM, POMPON.
PROPMANpropman n. (Theater) A man responsible for looking after the props in a theater.
PROPMAN n. a man in charge of stage properties.
PROPMENpropmen n. Plural of propman.
PROPMAN n. a man in charge of stage properties.
PUMPINGpumping v. Present participle of pump.
pumping n. The act by which something is pumped.
pumping n. The act of injecting silicone into the body to try to achieve a fuller or curvier look.
PUMPIONpumpion n. (Archaic) Pumpkin.
PUMPION n. (obsolete) a pumpkin, also POMPION, PUNKIN.
PUMPKINpumpkin n. A domesticated plant, in species Cucurbita pepo, similar in growth pattern, foliage, flower, and fruit…
pumpkin n. The round yellow or orange fruit of this plant.
pumpkin n. (Uncountable) The color of the fruit of the pumpkin plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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