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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2M, O and P

COMSYMPcomsymp n. (Slang, derogatory) A Communist sympathizer; a liberal.
COMSYMP n. (offensive) one that sympathizes with communist causes.
MAMPOERmampoer n. (South Africa) Strong home-distilled peach or fruit liquor.
MAMPOER n. (South African) homemade distilled brandy made from peaches, prickly pear etc.
OPTIMUMoptimum n. The best or most favorable condition, or the greatest amount or degree possible under specific sets…
optimum adj. The best or most advantageous; surpassing all others.
OPTIMUM n. (Latin) the most favourable point of any condition.
POMATUMpomatum n. Pomade.
pomatum v. (Transitive) To dress with pomatum.
POMATUM v. to apply a kind of ointment to the hair, also POMADE.
POMMELEPOMMELE adj. having a heraldic pommel, also POMMETTY.
POMMELSpommels n. Plural of pommel.
pommels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pommel.
POMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also PUMMEL.
POMMIESpommies n. Plural of pommy.
pommies n. Plural of pommie.
POMMY n. (Australian) an Englishman, also POMMIE.
POMPOMSpompoms n. Plural of pompom.
pom-poms n. Plural of pom-pom.
pom␣poms n. Plural of pom pom.
PROMMERprommer n. A person in the standing area of a promenade concert.
PROMMER n. an attender of promenade concerts.
PSAMMONpsammon n. (Ecology) The community of organisms living in the sandy, moist habitat along a shoreline.
PSAMMON n. (Greek) a group of microorganisms living in waterlogged sands.
PUMMELOpummelo n. Alternative spelling of pomelo.
STEPMOMstepmom n. (US, informal) Stepmother.
STEPMOM n. (colloquial) a stepmother.
SYMPTOMsymptom n. (Medicine) A perceived change in some function, sensation or appearance of a person that indicates a…
symptom n. (Figuratively) A signal; anything that indicates, or is characteristic of, the presence of something…
SYMPTOM n. a subjective indication of a disease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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