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There are 17 six-letter words containing M, P, R and T

ARMPITarmpit n. The cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder.
armpit n. Somewhere or something considered unpleasant or undesirable.
arm␣pit n. Alternative form of armpit.
EMPARTempart v. Archaic form of impart.
EMPART v. (Spenser) to impart.
IMPARTimpart v. (Transitive) To give or bestow (e.g. a quality or property).
impart v. (Transitive) To give a part or to share.
impart v. (Transitive) To make known; to show (By speech, writing etc.).
IMPORTimport n. (Countable) Something brought in from an exterior source, especially for sale or trade.
import n. (Uncountable) The practice of importing.
import n. (Uncountable) Significance, importance.
MPRETSmprets n. Plural of mpret.
MPRET n. (Albanian) a former title of the ruler of Albania.
PARTIMPARTIM adv. (Latin) in part.
PERMITpermit v. (Transitive) To allow (something) to happen, to give permission for.
permit v. (Transitive) To allow (someone) to do something; to give permission to.
permit v. (Intransitive) To allow for, to make something possible.
PROMPTprompt adj. Quick; acting without delay.
prompt adj. On time; punctual.
prompt adj. (Archaic) Ready; willing to act.
RUMPOTrumpot n. (Slang) A drunkard.
RUMPOT n. an alcoholic.
STRAMPSTRAMP v. (Scots) to tread, stamp.
TAMPERtamper n. A person or thing that tamps.
tamper n. A tool used to tamp something down, such as tobacco in a pipe.
tamper n. (Rail transport) A railway vehicle used to tamp down ballast.
TEMPERtemper n. A general tendency or orientation towards a certain type of mood, a volatile state; a habitual way of…
temper n. State of mind; mood.
temper n. A tendency to become angry.
TRAMPStramps n. Plural of tramp.
tramps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tramp.
TRAMP v. to tread heavily.
TRAMPYtrampy adj. Like a tramp or homeless person.
trampy adj. (Derogatory, of women) slutty; promiscuous.
TRAMPY adj. having the characteristics of a vagrant.
TROMPEtrompe n. (Obsolete) A trumpet; a trump.
trompe n. Alternative form of tromp (“blowing apparatus in a forge”).
TROMPE n. (French) an apparatus for producing a blast of air in a furnace by means of falling water.
TROMPStromps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tromp.
TROMP v. to apply heavy foot pressure to something; to tread heavily.
TRUMPStrumps n. Plural of trump.
trumps n. (Britain) The suit in a game of cards that outranks all others.
trumps n. The major arcana of the tarot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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