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There are 9 six-letter words containing 2M, N and U

CUMMINcummin n. Alternative spelling of cumin.
CUMMIN n. an umbelliferous plant of the Mediterranean region with seeds like caraway, also CUMIN.
IMMUNEimmune adj. (Usually with "from") Exempt; not subject to.
immune adj. (Medicine, usually with "to") Protected by inoculation, or due to innate resistance to pathogens.
immune adj. (By extension) Not vulnerable.
MAGNUMmagnum n. A bottle containing 1.5 liters of fluid, double the volume of a standard wine bottle.
magnum n. (Firearms) A powerful firearm cartridge, often derived from a shorter, less powerful cartridge calibre…
magnum n. (By extension) A handgun that fires a cartridge of this calibre; chiefly a revolver, but rarely an autoloader…
MENTUMmentum n. (Anatomy) The chin.
mentum n. (Malacology) A chin-like projection below the mouth of certain mollusks.
mentum n. (Entomology) The central part of the labium in insects.
MINIUMminium n. (Now historical) Cinnabar, especially when used as a pigment; vermilion.
minium n. Red lead.
MINIUM n. (Latin) a red pigment.
MUSMONmusmon n. A kind of sheep, the mouflon.
MUSMON n. a Corsican wild sheep, also MOUFFLON, MOUFLON, MUFLON, MUSIMON.
OMNIUMomnium n. (Cycling) A multiple race event in track cycling. Historically the omnium has had a variety of formats…
omnium n. (Finance) The aggregate value of the different stocks in which a loan to government is usually funded.
OMNIUM n. (Latin) the aggregate value of the different stocks in which a loan to government is now usually funded.
SUMMONsummon v. (Transitive) To call people together; to convene.
summon v. (Transitive) To ask someone to come; to send for.
summon v. To order (goods) and have delivered.
UMMINGumming v. Present participle of um.
UM v. to express doubt or hesitation, also UMM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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