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There are 7 five-letter words containing M, P, R and U

CRUMPcrump n. The sound of a muffled explosion.
crump v. (Intransitive) To produce such a sound.
crump v. (Intransitive, US, medical slang) (of one’s health) to decline rapidly (but not as rapidly as crash).
FRUMPfrump n. (Countable, colloquial) A frumpy person, somebody who is unattractive, drab or dowdy.
frump n. (Uncountable, colloquial) Unattractive, dowdy clothes.
frump n. (Countable, dated) A bad-tempered person.
GRUMPgrump n. (Informal) A habitually grumpy or complaining person.
grump n. (Informal) A grumpy mood.
grump v. (Informal, intransitive) To complain.
RUMPORUMPO n. (slang) sexual intercourse.
RUMPSrumps n. Plural of rump.
Rumps prop.n. Plural of Rump.
RUMP v. to turn one's back on.
RUMPYrumpy n. A Manx cat with virtually no tail, particularly prized among Manx breeders.
RUMPY adj. having a large rump.
RUMPY n. a Manx cat; a tailless chicken.
TRUMPtrump n. (Card games) The suit, in a game of cards, that outranks all others.
trump n. (Card games) A playing card of that suit.
trump n. (Figuratively) Something that gives one an advantage, especially one held in reserve.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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