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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 7 five-letter words containing M, O and 2R

ARMORarmor n. (Uncountable) A protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces.
armor n. (Uncountable) A natural form of this kind of protection on an animal’s body.
armor n. (Uncountable) Metal plate, protecting a ship, military vehicle, or aircraft.
MARORmaror n. (Judaism) A bitter vegetable, such as horseradish or Romaine lettuce, eaten at the Passover seder as…
MAROR n. (Hebrew) a dish of bitter herbs, esp. horseradish, eaten at the Jewish Passover.
MHORRmhorr n. A large gazelle native to the Sahara desert, Nanger dama, formerly Gazella dama.
MHORR n. (Arabic) a West African gazelle, also MOHR.
MORRAmorra n. A game in which two (or more) players each suddenly display a hand showing zero to five fingers and…
Morra prop.n. A surname from Italian.
MORRA n. a game of guessing how many fingers are held up, also MORA.
MORROmorro n. A round hill or point of land.
Morro prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
MORRO n. (Spanish) a rounded hill or headland.
ORMERormer n. An abalone or sea-ear, particularly Haliotis tuberculata, common in the Channel Islands.
ORMER n. a sea snail of rocky coasts, aka abalone.
RUMORrumor n. (American spelling, countable) A statement or claim of questionable accuracy, from no known reliable…
rumor n. (American spelling, uncountable) Information or misinformation of the kind contained in such claims.
rumor v. (Transitive, usually used in the passive voice) To tell a rumor about; to gossip.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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