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There are 14 five-letter words containing M, 2O and R

BROMObromo n. A dose of a proprietary sedative containing bromide (a bromo-seltzer).
bromo- pref. (Chemistry) containing bromine.
BROMO n. a medicinal compound containing bromine.
BROOMbroom n. (Countable) A domestic utensil with fibers bound together at the end of a long handle, used for sweeping.
broom n. (Countable, curling) An implement with which players sweep the ice to make a stone travel further and…
broom n. Any of several yellow-flowered shrubs of the family Fabaceae, in the tribe Genisteae, including genera…
GROOMgroom n. A man who is about to marry.
groom n. A person who looks after horses.
groom n. One of several officers of the English royal household, chiefly in the lord chamberlain’s department.
MOORSmoors n. Plural of moor.
moors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of moor.
Moors prop.n. (British India, obsolete) Hindustani; Urdu.
MOORYmoory adj. Resembling a moor; swampy; boggy.
moory n. Alternative form of mooree (“kind of cotton cloth”).
MOORY adj. of or pertaining to moors.
MORONmoron n. (Informal, offensive, derogatory) A stupid person; an idiot; a fool.
moron n. (Psychology, dated, originally) A person of mild mental subnormality in the former classification of…
Moron prop.n. A commune in southwestern Haiti.
MORROmorro n. A round hill or point of land.
Morro prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
MORRO n. (Spanish) a rounded hill or headland.
MOTORmotor n. A machine or device that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy, or imparts motion.
motor n. (Colloquial) A motor car, or automobile, even a goods vehicle.
motor n. (Figuratively) A source of power for something; an inspiration; a driving force.
PROMOpromo n. (Colloquial) Clipping of promotion.
promo n. (Professional wrestling slang) an interview or monologue intended to promote a character or an upcoming match.
promo v. (Slang, transitive) To promote; to publicize.
ROMEOromeo n. (International standards) Alternative letter-case form of Romeo from the NATO/ICAO Phonetic Alphabet.
romeo n. Alternative letter-case form of Romeo of the ICAO/NATO radiotelephony alphabet.
Romeo prop.n. A male given name from the Romance languages.
ROOMSrooms n. Plural of room.
rooms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of room.
ROOM v. to occupy a room.
ROOMYroomy adj. Spacious, expansive, comfortable.
roomy n. Alternative spelling of roomie.
ROOMY adj. spacious.
SMOORsmoor v. (Transitive, obsolete, dialect, UK, Scotland) To suffocate or smother.
SMOOR v. (Scots) to smother, extinguish, also SMORE.
VROOMvroom interj. The sound of an engine revving up.
vroom n. The sound of an engine revving up.
vroom v. (Informal) To move with great speed; to zoom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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