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There are 11 five-letter words containing M, N, O and T

MANTOmanto n. Obsolete form of manteau.
manto n. Phonetic Persian form of manteau.
Manto prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lycaenidae – certain butterflies.
MENTOmento n. A folk music genre of Jamaica, featuring acoustic instruments and voices.
mento n. An individual mento song.
Mento prop.n. A surname from Italian.
MONTEmonte n. (Uncountable, card games) A game in which three or four cards are dealt face-up and players bet on which…
monte n. (Countable, Latin America) A wood or forest; timberland.
Monte prop.n. A surname.
MONTHmonth n. A period into which a year is divided, historically based on the phases of the moon.
month n. A period of 30 days, 31 days, or some alternation thereof.
month n. (Obsolete, in the plural) A woman’s period; menstrual discharge.
MONTYMonty prop.n. A diminutive of the male given names Montgomery and Montague.
MONTY n. the whole lot, as in the phrase 'the full monty'.
MOTENMoten prop.n. A surname.
MOTEN v. (obsolete) 3rd person plural of MOTE, may, must.
MOUNTmount n. A hill or mountain.
mount n. (Palmistry) Any of seven fleshy prominences in the palm of the hand, taken to represent the influences…
mount n. (Obsolete) A bulwark for offence or defence; a mound.
MUTONmuton n. (Genetics) A unit of mutation forming part of a recon.
MUTON n. a unit of nucleic acid.
NOTUMnotum n. (Zoology) The back; the dorsal aspect of the thorax in insects.
NOTUM n. (Greek) part of the thorax of an insect.
TIMONTimon prop.n. A male given name from Ancient Greek of mostly historical use.
Timon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lacertidae – certain lizards.
TIMON n. (obsolete) a helm.
TOMANtoman n. (Historical, military) A division of 10,000 men in the Mongolian army.
toman n. (Historical, numismatics) A Persian money of account or gold coin issued until 1927, notionally worth 10,000 dinars.
toman n. (Informal, numismatics) An Iranian coin or value of 10 rials.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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