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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 12 fourteen-letter words containing M, Q, S and T

ANTIQUARIANISMantiquarianism n. Study or love of antiques.
antiquarianism n. Study or love of antiquity.
antiquarianism n. Archaism.
DESQUAMATORIESDESQUAMATORY n. an obsolete surgical instrument once used for the desquamation of bones.
EQUESTRIANISMSequestrianisms n. Plural of equestrianism.
EQUESTRIANISM n. horsemanship.
LIQUIDATIONISMliquidationism n. (Politics, Marxism) In Marxist theory, the ideological liquidation (negation) of the revolutionary party…
liquidationism n. (Economics, libertarianism) The belief that no actions to mitigate the effects of recessions should…
LIQUIDATIONISM n. a theory of economics which holds that governments should not interfere in a recession.
MOSQUITOFISHESmosquitofishes n. Plural of mosquitofish.
MOSQUITOFISH n. a species of freshwater fish, native to the southeastern US.
QUADRUMVIRATESquadrumvirates n. Plural of quadrumvirate.
QUADRUMVIRATE n. a group of four men acting together in some capacity.
QUARTERMASTERSquartermasters n. Plural of quartermaster.
quarter-masters n. Plural of quarter-master.
QUARTERMASTER n. one in charge of stores.
QUARTODECIMANSQuartodecimans n. Plural of Quartodeciman.
QUARTODECIMAN n. an early Christian who celebrated Easter on Passover even if not a Sunday.
QUATTROCENTISMquattrocentism n. The art style of the quattrocentists.
QUATTROCENTISM n. the spirit of the fifteenth century in reference to Italian art and literature.
RELINQUISHMENTrelinquishment n. The act of relinquishing something.
RELINQUISHMENT n. the act of relinquishing.
VENTRILOQUISMSventriloquisms n. Plural of ventriloquism.
VENTRILOQUISM n. the production of the voice in such a way that the sound seems to come from a source other than the vocal organs of the speaker, also VENTRILOQUY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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