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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 3M and T

COMMANDMENTcommandment n. (Religion) A divinely ordained command, especially one of the Ten Commandments.
commandment n. (Archaic) Something that must be obeyed; a command or edict.
commandment n. (Law) The offence of commanding or inducing another to violate the law.
COMMEMORATEcommemorate v. (Transitive) To honour the memory of someone or something with a ceremony or object.
commemorate v. (Transitive) To serve as a memorial to someone or something.
COMMEMORATE v. to call to remembrance.
COMMITMENTScommitments n. Plural of commitment.
COMMITMENT n. the state of being committed.
EMBALMMENTSembalmments n. Plural of embalmment.
EMBALMMENT n. the act of embalming.
IMMANENTISMimmanentism n. (Philosophy, theology) A doctrine based on immanence, especially the immanence of God.
IMMANENTISM n. belief in an immanent or permanent god.
IMMEDIATISMimmediatism n. A political philosophy embracing the virtues of immediate social interactions with people as a means…
immediatism n. (Historical) The belief that slavery should be ended immediately, without political process.
IMMEDIATISM n. the policy of action at once, esp. in the abolition of slavery in the US.
IMMOMENTOUSimmomentous adj. Not momentous; unimportant; insignificant.
IMMOMENTOUS adj. of no value, trifling, also IMMOMENT.
IMMUREMENTSimmurements n. Plural of immurement.
IMMUREMENT n. the act of immuring, or the state of being immured.
MAHATMAISMSMAHATMAISM n. the state of being a mahatma.
MAMMALITIESMAMMALITY n. the state of being a mammal.
MAMMALOGISTmammalogist n. One who studies mammalogy.
MAMMALOGIST n. a student of mammals.
MAMMAPLASTYmammaplasty n. (Surgery) Plastic surgery of a breast to alter its shape or size.
MAMMAPLASTY n. the surgical reconstruction of the breast.
MAMMILLATEDmammillated adj. Alternative form of mammillate.
MAMMILLATED adj. with nipple-like projections, also MAMILLATE, MAMMILLATE.
MAMMONISTICmammonistic adj. Exhibiting or relating to mammonism; greedy for wealth.
MAMMONISTIC adj. devoted to riches.
MAMMOPLASTYmammoplasty n. (Surgery) Plastic surgery of a breast to alter its shape or size.
MAMMOPLASTY n. plastic surgery to change the shape of the breasts, as by the use of silicone implants, etc., also MAMMAPLASTY.
METAMERISMSmetamerisms n. Plural of metamerism.
METAMERISM n. a particular form of isomerism in which different groups are attached to the same central atom.
MULTIMEMBERmultimember adj. (Politics, of a district) Having more than one member (political representative).
MULTIMEMBER adj. having many members.
MUMBLEMENTSmumblements n. Plural of mumblement.
MUMBLEMENT n. (Carlyle) mumbling speech.
SUMMERTIMESsummertimes n. Plural of summertime.
SUMMERTIME n. the time during which it is summer.
SYMMETALISMSYMMETALISM n. a system of coinage in which the unit of currency consists of a particular weight of an alloy of two or more metals, also SYMMETALLISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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