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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 3M and U

AMMONIACUMammoniacum n. Gum ammoniac, a resin exuded from the stem of the perennial herb Dorema ammoniacum.
AMMONIACUM n. gum ammoniac.
BRUMMAGEMSbrummagems n. Plural of brummagem.
Brummagems n. Plural of Brummagem.
BRUMMAGEM n. something showy but cheap.
COMMUNISMScommunisms n. Plural of communism.
COMMUNISM n. a social theory according to which society should be classless, private property should be abolished, and land, factories, etc. collectively owned and controlled.
DIAMMONIUMdiammonium n. (Inorganic chemistry) Two ammonium ions in a compound.
IMMUREMENTimmurement n. Capital punishment by entombing for life.
IMMUREMENT n. the act of immuring, or the state of being immured.
MEMORANDUMmemorandum n. A short note serving as a reminder.
memorandum n. A written business communication.
memorandum n. A brief diplomatic communication.
MIDSUMMERSmidsummers n. Plural of midsummer.
MIDSUMMER n. the middle of summer.
MUGWUMPISMmugwumpism n. (US politics, slang) The acts and views of the mugwumps.
MUGWUMPISM n. being a mugwump.
MUMBLEMENTmumblement n. Mumbling.
MUMBLEMENT n. (Carlyle) mumbling speech.
MUMMERINGSmummerings n. Plural of mummering.
MUMMERING n. a Christmas time house-visiting tradition still practiced in Newfoundland and Labrador.
MUMMICHOGSmummichogs n. Plural of mummichog.
MUMMICHOG n. (Native American) any one of several species of small American cyprinodont fishes, aka killifish.
MUMMIFYINGmummifying v. Present participle of mummify.
MUMMIFY v. to preserve by embalming, also MUMMY.
OMMATIDIUMommatidium n. (Zoology) One of the conical substructures which make up the eyes of invertebrates with compound eyes.
OMMATIDIUM n. a simple element of a compound eye.
SIMILLIMUMsimillimum n. (Homeopathy) A remedy selected because it causes symptoms similar to those that the practitioner wishes to treat.
SIMILLIMUM n. a remedy chosen for the symptoms it emulates.
SUBMINIMUMsubminimum adj. Below the normal minimum.
subminimum n. (Mathematics) A point or value below a minimum.
SUMMERTIMEsummertime n. The period or season of summer.
summer-time n. Alternative spelling of summertime.
summer␣time n. (Britain) daylight saving time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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