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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing M, W and Y

HAYMOWShaymows n. Plural of haymow.
HAYMOW n. a mow or mass of hay laid up in a barn for preservation.
MARROWYmarrowy adj. Full of marrow; pithy.
MARROWY adj. full of marrow; pithy.
MAYWEEDmayweed n. Stinking chamomile, Anthemis cotula.
mayweed n. Corn chamomile, field chamomile, Anthemis arvensis.
mayweed n. Plants of the genera Matricaria and Tripleurospermum.
MEADOWYmeadowy adj. Of or pertaining to meadows.
meadowy adj. Resembling or composed of meadows.
MEADOWY adj. of or pertaining to meadows.
MELLOWYmellowy adj. Soft; unctuous.
MELLOWY adj. soft; unctuous.
MIDWAYSmidways n. Plural of midway.
midways n. (Plural only) midway briefs.
MIDWAY n. a central avenue in a fair for sideshows.
MILDEWYmildewy adj. Of, pertaining to, or affected with mildew.
MILDEWY adj. covered with mildew.
SOMEWAYsomeway adv. (Now chiefly US colloquial) Somehow.
SOMEWAY adv. in some way, somehow, also SOMEWAYS, SOMEWISE.
SOMEWHYsomewhy adv. For some reason.
SOMEWHY adv. for some reason.
TRAMWAYtramway n. The track on which a tram (streetcar) runs.
tramway n. The system of cables that supports a cable car.
TRAMWAY n. a route for a tram.
WAYMARKwaymark n. A sign or symbol marked in a prominent position in an off-road location to show the track of a footpath…
waymark n. A map coordinate stored within a satellite navigation system.
WAYMARK n. a mark showing the way.
WAYMENTwayment v. (Transitive, intransitive, obsolete) To lament.
wayment n. (Obsolete) Lamentation; grief.
wayment interj. (Slang, nonstandard, chiefly AAVE) Wait a minute.
WHIMSEYwhimsey n. Alternative spelling of whimsy.
WHIMSEY n. delicately fanciful behaviour; gentle fantasy, also WHIMSY.
WOMANLYwomanly adj. Considered typical of, stereotypical of, or appropriate to women; feminine.
womanly adj. (Rare) Female.
womanly adv. In the manner of a woman.
WORMERYwormery n. A self-contained system for producing vermicompost.
WORMERY n. a place in which worms are bred.
WORMFLYWORMFLY n. a type of fishing fly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 88 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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