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There are 8 five-letter words containing M and 2U

AURUMaurum n. (Chemistry) gold, used in the names of various substances (see Derived terms).
aurum n. An Italian liqueur.
Aurum prop.n. A sweet Italian liqueur, having a golden-yellow colour, manufactured from brandy, oranges and saffron.
CUSUMCUSUM n. (Statistical quality control) cumulative sum control chart: a sequential analysis technique typically…
CUSUM n. a statistical technique that attempts to identify individuals by their characteristic use of language.
DURUMdurum n. (Often used attributively) Ellipsis of durum wheat.
DURUM n. (Latin) a strain of wheat, aka macaroni wheat.
HUMUShumus n. A large group of natural organic compounds, found in the soil, formed from the chemical and biological…
humus n. Alternative spelling of hummus (“chickpea dip”).
HUMUS n. decomposed organic matter in the soil.
JUGUMjugum n. (Zootomy) A connecting ridge or projection, especially on a bone.
jugum n. (Entomology) A lobe on the forewing of some moths which interlocks with the hindwing in flight.
jugum n. (Botany) One of the ridges commonly found on the fruit of umbelliferous plants.
MUCUSmucus n. (Physiology) A slippery secretion from the lining of the mucous membranes.
MUCUS n. the slimy fluid secreted by various membranes in the body, which it moistens and protects.
MUMUSmumus n. Plural of mumu.
MUMU n. (Hawaiian) a long, loose dress, also MUUMUU.
UNGUMungum v. (Transitive) To remove the gum from.
UNGUM v. to free from gum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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