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There are 13 words containing L, O, S, 2T and 3U

ANTITUBERCULOUSantituberculous adj. (Pharmacology) Acting to combat or counteract tuberculosis.
ANTITUBERCULOUS adj. designed to counter tuberculosis.
COUNTERCULTUREScountercultures n. Plural of counterculture.
counter␣cultures n. Plural of counter culture.
COUNTERCULTURE n. a culture with values and mores that run counter to those of established society.
CUMULOSTRATUScumulostratus n. Synonym of stratocumulus.
CUMULOSTRATUS n. a type of cloud.
MULTITUDINOUSmultitudinous adj. Existing in great numbers; innumerable.
multitudinous adj. Comprising a large number of parts.
multitudinous adj. Crowded with many people.
MULTITUDINOUSLYmultitudinously adv. In a multitudinous way.
MULTITUDINOUS adv. existing in a great multitude.
PSEUDOMUTUALITYPSEUDOMUTUALITY n. a relationship between two persons in which conflict of views or opinions is solved by simply ignoring it.
STRATOCUMULUSstratocumulus n. (Meteorology) A principal low-level cloud type, predominantly stratiform, in the form of a gray and/or…
STRATOCUMULUS n. a type of long, wide, low-lying cloud with massive, rounded summits.
TUMULTUATIONStumultuations n. Plural of tumultuation.
TUMULTUATION n. (archaic) a tumult.
TUMULTUOUStumultuous adj. Characterized by loud, confused noise.
tumultuous adj. Causing or characterized by tumult; chaotic, disorderly, turbulent.
TUMULTUOUS adj. full of tumult.
TUMULTUOUSLYtumultuously adv. In a tumultuous manner.
TUMULTUOUS adv. full of tumult.
TUMULTUOUSNESStumultuousness n. The quality of being tumultuous.
TUMULTUOUSNESS n. the state of being tumultuous.
ULTRACAUTIOUSultracautious adj. Extremely cautious.
ULTRACAUTIOUS adj. extremely cautious.
UNTUMULTUOUSuntumultuous adj. Not tumultuous; calm, placid.
UNTUMULTUOUS adj. not tumultuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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