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There are 12 words containing L, 2O, 2P, 2R and U

COUNTERPROPOSALcounterproposal n. A proposal made as an alternative to another, earlier proposal.
counter-proposal n. Alternative form of counterproposal.
COUNTERPROPOSAL n. a return proposal made by one who has rejected a proposal.
OPPROBRIOUSLYopprobriously adv. In an opprobrious manner.
OPPROBRIOUS adv. expressing contemptuous reproach; bringing disgrace.
PLEUROCARPOUSpleurocarpous adj. (Botany) Side-fruited; said of those true mosses in which the pedicels or capsules are from lateral archegonia.
PLEUROCARPOUS adj. of mosses, having the archegonia on short lateral branches.
PRECOPULATORYprecopulatory adj. Before copulation.
PRECOPULATORY adj. preceding copulation.
PREPOSTEROUSLYpreposterously adv. In a preposterous manner.
PREPOSTEROUS adv. contrary to nature, reason, or common sense.
PROLOCUTORSHIPprolocutorship n. The rank or office of a prolocutor.
PROLOCUTORSHIP n. the office of a prolocutor, a spokesman.
PROLOCUTORSHIPSprolocutorships n. Plural of prolocutorship.
PROLOCUTORSHIP n. the office of a prolocutor, a spokesman.
PROPULSORpropulsor n. (Chiefly aeronautics) A propellor enclosed in a short cylinder, that can typically be swivelled to change…
PROPULSOR n. something which propels.
PROPULSORSpropulsors n. Plural of propulsor.
PROPULSOR n. something which propels.
PROPULSORYpropulsory adj. Propulsive.
PROPULSORY adj. propulsive.
PROSPEROUSLYprosperously adv. In a prosperous manner; so as to prosper.
PROSPEROUS adv. thriving, affluent.
UNPROSPEROUSLYunprosperously adv. In an unprosperous manner.
UNPROSPEROUS adv. not prosperous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 277 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 29 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 176 words

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