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There are 18 words containing L, N, R, 2S, 2U and Y

ANKYLOSAURUSankylosaurus n. A large herbivorous dinosaur, of genus Ankylosaurus, that lived in the Cretaceous period, noted for…
Ankylosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ankylosauridae – ankylosaurus, an armored dinosaur from the Cretaceous…
ANKYLOSAURUS n. a kind of dinosaur with a club tail, also ANKYLOSAUR.
ANKYLOSAURUSESankylosauruses n. Plural of ankylosaurus.
ANKYLOSAURUS n. a kind of dinosaur with a club tail, also ANKYLOSAUR.
INDUSTRIOUSLYindustriously adv. In an industrious manner.
INDUSTRIOUS adv. habitually active or occupied.
INSALUBRIOUSLYinsalubriously adv. In an insalubrious manner.
INSALUBRIOUS adv. unhealthy, deleterious.
POLYUNSATURATESpolyunsaturates n. Plural of polyunsaturate.
POLYUNSATURATE n. a fat that is polyunsaturated.
SCRUTINOUSLYscrutinously adv. In a scrutinous manner.
SCRUTINOUS adv. closely examining, or inquiring.
STRENUOUSLYstrenuously adv. In a strenuous manner.
STRENUOUS adv. requiring great exertion.
SUBTERRANEOUSLYsubterraneously adv. In a subterraneous manner; underground.
SUBTERRANEOUS adv. subterranean.
SULFONYLUREASsulfonylureas n. Plural of sulfonylurea.
SULFONYLUREA n. any of several hypoglycemic compounds related to the sulfonamides and used in the oral treatment of diabetes.
SULPHONYLUREASsulphonylureas n. Plural of sulphonylurea.
SULPHONYLUREA n. a synthetic compound used to reduce the level of glucose in the blood in diabetes mellitus.
TRANSPICUOUSLYtranspicuously adv. In a transpicuous fashion.
TRANSPICUOUS adv. easily understood or seen through.
UNPERSUASIVELYunpersuasively adv. In an unpersuasive way.
UNPROSPEROUSLYunprosperously adv. In an unprosperous manner.
UNPROSPEROUS adv. not prosperous.
UNSCRUPULOUSLYunscrupulously adv. In an unscrupulous manner.
UNSCRUPULOUS adv. not scrupulous.
UNSERIOUSLYunseriously adv. In an unserious way; flippantly, frivolously.
UNSURPASSABLYunsurpassably adv. In a way that cannot be surpassed; unbeatably.
UNSURPASSABLE adv. that cannot be surpassed.
UNSURPRISINGLYunsurprisingly adv. Not surprisingly, as could be expected.
UNSURPRISING adv. not surprising or unexpected.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 128 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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