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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing L, 2N, O, R, 2T and U

CONGLUTINATORconglutinator n. A conglutinant material or substance.
CONGLUTINATOR n. an agent that conglutinates.
CONGRATULANTScongratulants n. Plural of congratulant.
CONGRATULANT n. a congratulator.
CONNATURALITYconnaturality n. The condition of being connatural.
CONNATURALITY n. the state of being connatural.
ENCULTURATIONenculturation n. The process by which an individual adopts the behaviour patterns of the culture in which they are immersed.
ENCULTURATION n. the process by which an individual learns the traditional content of a culture and assimilates its practices and values.
INSTRUCTIONALinstructional adj. Intended for purposes of instruction, for teaching.
instructional n. A book, film, etc. intended to instruct.
INSTRUCTIONAL adj. relating to instruction.
INTERLOCUTIONinterlocution n. Discussion or conversation.
interlocution n. An intermediate decree before final decision.
INTERLOCUTION n. dialogue, conversation; an intermediate decree before a final decision.
INTERLUNATIONinterlunation n. The interlunar period; the dark time between the old moon and new moon phases.
INTERLUNATION n. the dark time between the old moon and the new.
INTEROSCULANTinterosculant adj. Mutually touching or intersecting.
interosculant adj. (Biology) Uniting two groups; said of certain genera which connect family groups, or of species that connect genera.
INTEROSCULANT adj. possessing attributes common to different groups.
MALNUTRITIONSmalnutritions n. Plural of malnutrition.
MALNUTRITION n. inadequate or faulty nutrition.
NITROTOLUENESnitrotoluenes n. Plural of nitrotoluene.
NITROTOLUENE n. a nitro-derivative of toluene.
NONSTRUCTURALnonstructural adj. Not structural; not related to a structure.
NONSTRUCTURAL adj. not structural.
NUTRITIONALLYnutritionally adv. Concerning nutrition.
NUTRITIONAL adv. relating to nutrition.
STRANGULATIONstrangulation n. The act of strangling or the state of being strangled.
strangulation n. The constriction of the air passage or other body part that cuts off the flow of a fluid.
STRANGULATION n. the act of strangling.
TRIANGULATIONtriangulation n. (Uncountable, surveying) A technique in which distances and directions are estimated from an accurately…
triangulation n. (Countable, surveying) The network of triangles so obtained, that are the basis of a chart or map.
triangulation n. (Countable, chess) A delaying move in which the king moves in a triangular path to force the advance of a pawn.
ULTRAMONTANESultramontanes n. Plural of ultramontane.
ULTRAMONTANE n. one who supports the supremacy of the Pope.
ULTRANATIONALultranational adj. Ultranationalist.
ULTRANATIONAL adj. beyond national.
UNFORTUNATELYunfortunately adv. Happening through bad luck, or because of some unfortunate event.
unfortunately adv. Used (as a parenthetical word) to express disappointment, compassion, sorrow, regret or grief.
UNFORTUNATE adv. not fortunate.
UNIMPORTANTLYunimportantly adv. In a way that is not important; insignificantly.
UNTRADITIONALuntraditional adj. Not traditional; departing from tradition.
UNTRADITIONAL adj. not traditional.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 14 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 87 words

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