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There are 11 words containing L, 2N, 2T, U and Z

CONTEXTUALIZINGcontextualizing v. Present participle of contextualize.
CONTEXTUALIZE v. to place in a context, also CONTEXTUALISE.
GLUTTONIZINGgluttonizing v. Present participle of gluttonize.
GLUTTONIZE v. to eat to excess, also GLUTTONISE.
GRANULITIZATIONGRANULITIZATION n. the reduction of the components of a rock to crystalline grains by regional metamorphism, also GRANULITISATION.
LUTEINIZATIONluteinization n. (Physiology) The formation of the corpus luteum from a mature ovarian follicle.
LUTEINIZATION n. the process of stimulation to the ovary, whereby ovulation occurs and a corpus luteum is formed, also LUTEINISATION.
LUTEINIZATIONSluteinizations n. Plural of luteinization.
LUTEINIZATION n. the process of stimulation to the ovary, whereby ovulation occurs and a corpus luteum is formed, also LUTEINISATION.
NATURALIZATIONnaturalization n. The action of naturalizing somebody; act of granting citizenship.
naturalization n. The admission or adoption of foreign words or customs into general use.
naturalization n. The introduction and establishment of an animal or plant into a place where it is not indigenous.
NATURALIZATIONSnaturalizations n. Plural of naturalization.
NATURALIZATION n. the act of naturalizing, also NATURALISATION.
NEUTRALIZATIONneutralization n. The act of neutralizing.
NEUTRALIZATION n. the act of neutralizing, also NEUTRALISATION.
NEUTRALIZATIONSneutralizations n. Plural of neutralization.
NEUTRALIZATION n. the act of neutralizing, also NEUTRALISATION.
PLATITUDINIZINGplatitudinizing v. Present participle of platitudinize.
PLATITUDINIZE v. to utter platitudes, also PLATITUDINISE.
TRANQUILIZATIONtranquilization n. Alternative form of tranquillization.
TRANQUILIZATION n. the process of tranquilizing, also TRANQUILISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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