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There are 17 words containing L, M, R, T, 2U and V

VULTURISMvulturism n. The quality of being like a vulture; rapaciousness.
VULTURISM n. (Carlyle) the state of being like a vulture; rapacity.
VULTURISMSvulturisms n. Plural of vulturism.
VULTURISM n. (Carlyle) the state of being like a vulture; rapacity.
ULTRAVACUUMultravacuum n. A near-perfect vacuum; i.e. an almost or fully complete absence of matter, especially a gas at very low pressure.
ULTRAVACUUM n. an extreme vacuum.
DIVERTICULUMdiverticulum n. (Anatomy) A small out-pouching of an organ wall such as the large intestine or urinary bladder.
DIVERTICULUM n. a blind passage or tunnel.
MULTIVARIOUSmultivarious adj. Many and various.
MULTIVARIOUS adj. differing widely.
ULTRAVACUUMSultravacuums n. Plural of ultravacuum.
ULTRAVACUUM n. an extreme vacuum.
VERMICULTUREvermiculture n. The keeping of worms, for example for commercial or horticultural reasons.
VERMICULTURE n. the farming of earthworms, esp. as bait for fishing.
VOLUNTOURISMvoluntourism n. A type of tourism which combines traditional travel and tourism with volunteer work. Travelers are given…
VOLUNTOURISM n. tourism in which travellers do voluntary work to help communities or the environment in the places they are visiting.
OVERMULTITUDEovermultitude v. (Obsolete, nonce word, transitive) To outnumber.
OVERMULTITUDE v. (Milton) to outnumber.
VERMICULTURESVERMICULTURE n. the farming of earthworms, esp. as bait for fishing.
VOLUNTOURISMSVOLUNTOURISM n. tourism in which travellers do voluntary work to help communities or the environment in the places they are visiting.
CIRCUMVOLUTIONcircumvolution n. The act of revolution, rotation or gyration around an axis.
circumvolution n. Anything winding or sinuous.
CIRCUMVOLUTION n. anything winding or sinuous.
CIRCUMVOLUTORYcircumvolutory adj. Exhibiting or relating to circumvolution.
CIRCUMVOLUTORY adj. winding around.
CIRCUMVOLUTIONScircumvolutions n. Plural of circumvolution.
CIRCUMVOLUTION n. anything winding or sinuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 133 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 187 words

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