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There are 16 words containing 2L, 2N, P and 2S

INCULPABLENESSinculpableness n. The quality of being inculpable; blamelessness.
INCULPABLENESS n. the state of being inculpable.
PENICILLINASESpenicillinases n. Plural of penicillinase.
PENICILLINASE n. an enzyme, produced by certain bacteria, that inactivates the effect of some penicillins.
PENNILESSLYpennilessly adv. With no money.
PENNILESS adv. without a penny, destitute.
PLANLESSNESSplanlessness n. The state or quality of being planless.
PLANLESSNESS n. the state of being planless.
PLANLESSNESSESPLANLESSNESS n. the state of being planless.
PLENTIFULNESSplentifulness n. A full supply; abundance.
PLENTIFULNESS n. the state of being plentiful.
PLENTIFULNESSESPLENTIFULNESS n. the state of being plentiful.
POLLYANNAISMSPOLLYANNAISM n. a pollyannaish observation.
POSTMILLENNIALSPost-Millennials prop.n. Synonym of Generation Z.
SAILPLANINGSSAILPLANING n. the sport of using a sailplane.
SPLANCHNOCELESsplanchnoceles n. Plural of splanchnocele.
SPLANCHNOCELE n. a hernia of any of the abdominal viscera.
SPLANCHNOLOGIESSPLANCHNOLOGY n. the study of the entrails or viscera.
SPOROPOLLENINSsporopollenins n. Plural of sporopollenin.
SPOROPOLLENIN n. a polymer that comprises the exine (outer layer of the wall) of spores and pollen grains.
UNFLAPPABLENESSunflappableness n. (Rare) Unflappability.
UNFLAPPABLENESS n. the state of being unflappable.
UNHELPFULNESSunhelpfulness n. The state of being unhelpful.
UNHELPFULNESS n. the quality of being unhelpful.
UNHELPFULNESSESunhelpfulnesses n. Plural of unhelpfulness.
UNHELPFULNESS n. the quality of being unhelpful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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