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There are 8 words containing 3L, N, P, R and T

ANTIPARALLELantiparallel adj. (Mathematics) (of vectors) Parallel but in opposite directions.
antiparallel n. (Geometry) A line that forms equal angles with two other lines, but in opposite directions.
ANTIPARALLEL adj. making with a transverse line an internal angle equal to the external angle made by another line.
ANTIPARALLELSantiparallels n. Plural of antiparallel.
ANTIPARALLEL n. an antiparallel line.
PATRILINEALLYpatrilineally adv. In patrilineal fashion.
PATRILINEAL adv. traced through the father or through males alone, also PATRILINEAR.
PLANIMETRICALLYplanimetrically adv. In a planimetric manner.
PLANIMETRICAL adv. relating to planimetry, also PLANIMETRIC.
PLANOMETRICALLYplanometrically adv. By means of or in terms of planometry.
PLANOMETRIC adv. denoting a type of pictorial drawing.
POLYCRYSTALLINEpolycrystalline adj. Composed of an aggregate of very small crystals in random orientations.
POLYCRYSTALLINE adj. consisting of crystals variously oriented.
REPELLANTLYrepellantly adv. In a repellant manner.
REPELLANT adv. serving to repel, also REPELLENT.
REPELLENTLYrepellently adv. In a repelling manner.
REPELLENT adv. serving to repel, also REPELLANT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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