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There are 17 nine-letter words containing L, 2O, R, S, T and U

ALUMROOTSalumroots n. Plural of alumroot.
ALUMROOT n. a North American flower of the saxifrage genus.
CLUBROOTSclubroots n. Plural of clubroot.
CLUBROOT n. a plant disease.
COLOSTRUMcolostrum n. (Medicine) A form of milk produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy and the few days after giving…
colostrum n. A mixture of turpentine and egg yolk, formerly used as an emulsion.
COLOSTRUM n. (Latin) milk secreted for a few days after parturition, characterised by high protein and antibody content.
COLOURISTcolourist n. One who colours; an artist with a talent for colouring.
colourist n. A hairdresser who is a specialist in colouring and tinting hair.
COLOURIST n. a person who colours or paints; an artist who excels in the use of colour, also COLORIST.
CONSULTORconsultor n. One who gives counsel; an adviser, especially in the Catholic Church.
CONSULTOR n. an advisor to a Catholic bishop.
CONTROULScontrouls n. Plural of controul.
controuls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of controul.
CONTROUL v. to exercise authority over, also CONTROL.
COUNTROLScountrols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of countrol.
COUNTROL v. to control.
FOOTRULESfootrules n. Plural of footrule.
FOOTRULE n. a ruler which is a foot long.
LOUSEWORTlousewort n. Any of very many semiparasitic flowering plants, of the genus Pedicularis, related to wood betony.
LOUSEWORT n. any plant of the genus Pedicularis, of the figwort family.
PULMOTORSpulmotors n. Plural of pulmotor.
PULMOTOR n. a respiratory device.
RIOTOUSLYriotously adv. In a riotous manner.
riotously adv. In a manner that causes uncontrollable laughter.
RIOTOUS adv. characterized by rioting.
ROUTOUSLYroutously adv. (Law) With that violation of law called a rout.
ROUTOUS adv. (archaic) like a rout, tumultuous, disorderly.
TORULOSESTORULOSIS n. an infection by a member of the Torula genus affecting the nervous system.
TORULOSIStorulosis n. Cryptococcosis.
TORULOSIS n. an infection by a member of the Torula genus affecting the nervous system.
TROUBLOUStroublous adj. (Obsolete) Of a liquid: thick, muddy, full of sediment.
troublous adj. (Now archaic or literary) Troubled, confused.
troublous adj. (Now archaic or literary) Causing trouble; troublesome, vexatious.
UPROOTALSuprootals n. Plural of uprootal.
UPROOTAL n. the act of uprooting.
UROLOGISTurologist n. (Medicine) A doctor of urology.
UROLOGIST n. one versed in urology, the study of urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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