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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing L, 2O, R, 2S and T

BARSTOOLSbarstools n. Plural of barstool.
bar␣stools n. Plural of bar stool.
BARSTOOL n. a stool in a barroom.
COLORISTScolorists n. Plural of colorist.
COLORIST n. a person skilled in the use of color.
CORTISOLScortisols n. Plural of cortisol.
CORTISOL n. a hormone used to treat inflammatory and allergic conditions, aka hydrocortisone.
GLOSSATORglossator n. One who writes glosses.
glossator n. (Historical, law) A legal scholar of the Middle Ages, (specifically) one who authored glosses on legal…
Glossator n. Alternative letter-case form of glossator (medieval legal scholar).
ISOLATORSisolators n. Plural of isolator.
ISOLATOR n. one who, or that which, isolates.
MOTORLESSmotorless adj. Without a motor (machine or device).
MOTORLESS adj. without a motor.
OESTRIOLSoestriols n. Plural of oestriol.
OESTRIOL n. an estrogen, also ESTRIOL.
SORBITOLSsorbitols n. Plural of sorbitol.
SORBITOL n. a white crystalline substance derived from (and used as a substitute for) sugar.
STOLPORTSSTOLports n. Plural of STOLport.
STOLPORT n. an airport for aircraft needing shorter runways.
TORULOSESTORULOSIS n. an infection by a member of the Torula genus affecting the nervous system.
TORULOSIStorulosis n. Cryptococcosis.
TORULOSIS n. an infection by a member of the Torula genus affecting the nervous system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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