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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing L, N, 2O, S and 2U

AUTOCHTHONOUSLYautochthonously adv. In an autochthonous manner.
AUTOCHTHONOUS adv. indigenous, aboriginal, also AUTOCHTHONAL, AUTOCHTHONIC.
CIRCUMLOCUTIONScircumlocutions n. Plural of circumlocution.
CIRCUMLOCUTION n. an overly complicated means of expression.
CIRCUMVOLUTIONScircumvolutions n. Plural of circumvolution.
CIRCUMVOLUTION n. anything winding or sinuous.
COLOURFULNESSESCOLOURFULNESS n. the state of being colourful.
CONVOLVULACEOUSconvolvulaceous adj. (Botany) Of, pertaining to, or resembling the family of plants of which the bindweed and morning glory…
CONVOLVULACEOUS adj. belonging to the genus Convulvulaceae, that includes bindweed.
DEUTERANOMALOUSdeuteranomalous adj. Having or relating to deuteranomaly.
DEUTERANOMALOUS adj. exhibiting partial loss of green color vision so that an increased intensity of green is required in a mixture of red and green to match a given yellow.
DISCONTINUOUSLYdiscontinuously adv. In a discontinuous manner; not continuously.
DISCONTINUOUS adv. not continuous.
IMMUNOGLOBULINSimmunoglobulins n. Plural of immunoglobulin.
IMMUNOGLOBULIN n. an immune protein.
INCONSPICUOUSLYinconspicuously adv. In an inconspicuous manner; so as not to attract attention or appear unusual or out of the ordinary.
INCONSPICUOUS adv. not easily seen.
MULTICONDUCTORSSorry, definition not available.
NONSIMULTANEOUSnonsimultaneous adj. Not simultaneous.
NONSIMULTANEOUS adj. not simultaneous.
PSEUDOSOLUTIONSpseudosolutions n. Plural of pseudosolution.
PSEUDOSOLUTION n. a false solution.
SUPEROVULATIONSsuperovulations n. Plural of superovulation.
SUPEROVULATION n. production of exceptional numbers of ova at one time.
TROUBLOUSNESSESTROUBLOUSNESS n. the state of being troublous.
UNCEREMONIOUSLYunceremoniously adv. In an unceremonious manner, abruptly, without the due formalities.
UNCEREMONIOUS adv. not ceremonious.
UNFOSSILIFEROUSunfossiliferous adj. Not fossiliferous, nonfossiliferous.
UNFOSSILIFEROUS adj. not fossiliferous.
UNMELODIOUSNESSunmelodiousness n. The quality of being unmelodious.
UNMELODIOUSNESS n. the state of being unmelodious.
UNSELFCONSCIOUSunselfconscious adj. Not self-conscious; natural and genuine.
unself-conscious adj. Alternative spelling of unselfconscious.
UNSELFCONSCIOUS adj. not conscious of oneself.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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