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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 14 fourteen-letter words containing L, 3N, O, T and V

ANTICONVULSANTanticonvulsant n. (Pharmacology) An agent that prevents, stops, or lessens convulsions.
anticonvulsant adj. (Pharmacology) Acting as an anticonvulsant.
ANTICONVULSANT adj. used or tending to control or to prevent convulsions.
BENEVOLENTNESSbenevolentness n. The state or quality of being benevolent.
BENEVOLENTNESS n. the state of being benevolent.
CONVENTIONALLYconventionally adv. Ordinarily, by convention.
CONVENTIONAL adv. formed by agreement or compact.
INCONVENIENTLYinconveniently adv. In an inconvenient manner.
INCONVENIENT adv. not convenient esp. in giving trouble or annoyance.
INTERINVOLVINGinterinvolving v. Present participle of interinvolve.
INTERINVOLVE v. to involve between.
INTERVENTIONALinterventional adj. Incorporating, or characterized by, intervention.
interventional adj. (Cardiology) Specializing in coronary intervention.
INTERVENTIONAL adj. of the nature of intervention.
NONCONVERTIBLEnonconvertible adj. Not convertible; that cannot be exchanged for an equivalent.
NONCONVERTIBLE adj. not convertible.
NONCULTIVATIONnoncultivation n. Absence of cultivation; failure to cultivate.
NONCULTIVATION n. something that is not cultivation.
NONDEVELOPMENTnondevelopment n. Lack of development, or failure to develop.
NONDEVELOPMENT n. something that is not development.
NONEQUIVALENTSSorry, definition not available.
NONINVOLVEMENTnoninvolvement n. Lack of involvement.
NONINVOLVEMENT n. absence of involvement or emotional attachment.
NONVOLUNTARIESSorry, definition not available.
OMNIBENEVOLENTomnibenevolent adj. All-loving, or infinitely good, usually in reference to a deity or supernatural being, for example, God.
OMNIBENEVOLENT adj. showing universal good will.
UNCONVENTIONALunconventional adj. Not adhering to convention or accepted standards.
unconventional adj. Out of the ordinary.
unconventional adj. Atypical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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