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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing L, M, 2R, 2T and U

CIRCUMLITTORALcircumlittoral adj. Around, or bordering the shore.
circumlittoral adj. Describing the part of the sea bottom immediately beyond the littoral.
CIRCUMLITTORAL adj. around or near the shore.
INTERMENSTRUALintermenstrual adj. Between menstrual periods.
INTERMENSTRUAL adj. occurring between menstrual periods.
KETTLEDRUMMERSkettledrummers n. Plural of kettledrummer.
KETTLEDRUMMER n. one who plays the kettledrums.
MARICULTURISTSmariculturists n. Plural of mariculturist.
MARICULTURIST n. one who engages in mariculture, the cultivation of plants and animals of the sea in their own environment.
MULTICHARACTERmulticharacter adj. (Art) Involving or performing multiple characters.
multicharacter adj. (Computing) Consisting of more than one character (unit of text).
MULTICHARACTER adj. having many characters.
MULTIPARAMETERmultiparameter adj. Having, or employing multiple parameters.
MULTIPARAMETER adj. featuring many parameters.
MULTIVIBRATORSmultivibrators n. Plural of multivibrator.
MULTIVIBRATOR n. an electronic oscillating device using two transistors, the output of one providing the input of the other.
STRUCTURALISMSstructuralisms n. Plural of structuralism.
STRUCTURALISM n. a branch of psychology concerned esp. with the resolution of the mind into structural elements.
THERMOREGULATEthermoregulate v. To regulate the body temperature (by thermoregulation).
THERMOREGULATE v. to regulate by means of heat.
TRITUBERCULISMtrituberculism n. Synonym of trituberculy.
TRITUBERCULISM n. the state of being tritubercular.
ULTRAMARATHONSultramarathons n. Plural of ultramarathon.
ULTRAMARATHON n. a footrace longer than a marathon.
ULTRAMICROTOMEultramicrotome n. A microtome that cuts extremely thin slices of tissue, especially for use in electron microscopy.
ultramicrotome v. To cut into sections by means of an ultramicrotome.
ULTRAMICROTOME n. a microtome for cutting extremely thin sections for electron microscopy.
ULTRAMICROTOMYultramicrotomy n. Microtomy using an ultramicrotome.
ULTRAMICROTOMY n. the use of an ultramicrotome.
ULTRAMINIATUREultraminiature adj. Extremely small; highly miniaturized.
ULTRAMINIATURE adj. extremely miniature.
ULTRAMODERNISTultramodernist n. One who strongly believes in current views, who is extremely modern in ideas or style.
ULTRAMODERNIST n. one who practises ultramodernism.
ULTRARIGHTISMSULTRARIGHTISM n. adherence to extreme right-wing policies.
ULTRAROMANTICSSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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