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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 12 fourteen-letter words containing 2L, N, O, S and 2U

CONTUMELIOUSLYcontumeliously adv. In a contumelious, insolent manner.
CONTUMELIOUS adv. haughtily insolent.
GLANDULIFEROUSglanduliferous adj. Bearing glandules.
GLANDULIFEROUS adj. bearing small glands.
INSALUBRIOUSLYinsalubriously adv. In an insalubrious manner.
INSALUBRIOUS adv. unhealthy, deleterious.
MUCILAGINOUSLYmucilaginously adv. In a mucilaginous manner.
MUCILAGINOUS adv. sticky, viscid.
PNEUMOBACILLUSPNEUMOBACILLUS n. a rod-shaped bacterium that occurs in the respiratory tract and which causes pneumonia.
SIMULTANEOUSLYsimultaneously adv. Occurring at the same time.
SIMULTANEOUS adv. existing or occurring at the same time.
SOLIDUNGULATESsolidungulates n. Plural of solidungulate.
SOLIDUNGULATE n. an animal with an uncloven hoof, also SOLIDUNGULOUS.
SULPHONYLUREASsulphonylureas n. Plural of sulphonylurea.
SULPHONYLUREA n. a synthetic compound used to reduce the level of glucose in the blood in diabetes mellitus.
UNCHIVALROUSLYunchivalrously adv. In an unchivalrous manner; without chivalry.
UNCHIVALROUS adv. not chivalrous.
UNREMORSEFULLYunremorsefully adv. In an unremorseful manner; without remorse.
UNREMORSEFUL adv. not remorseful.
UNSCRUPULOUSLYunscrupulously adv. In an unscrupulous manner.
UNSCRUPULOUS adv. not scrupulous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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