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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing L, N, 2O, 2P and S

CEPHALOPODANSCEPHALOPODAN n. any marine mollusc of the class Cephalopoda, that includes the octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, and pearly nautilus, also CEPHALOPOD.
CEPHALOSPORINcephalosporin n. Any of a class of natural and synthetic antibiotics developed from Acremonium fungi, having a cepham structure.
CEPHALOSPORIN n. any of a group of wide-spectrum antibiotics derived from the fungus Cephalosporin.
CYCLOPROPANEScyclopropanes n. Plural of cyclopropane.
CYCLOPROPANE n. a flammable gaseous saturated cyclic hydrocarbon sometimes used as a general anesthetic.
DEOPPILATIONSdeoppilations n. Plural of deoppilation.
DEOPPILATION n. the act of deoppilating, freeing from obstruction.
DEPOPULATIONSdepopulations n. Plural of depopulation.
DEPOPULATION n. the act of depopulating.
LEPIDOPTERONSlepidopterons n. Plural of lepidopteron.
LEPIDOPTERON n. any of numerous insects of the order Lepidoptera, typically having two pairs of wings covered with fragile scales, also LEPIDOPTERAN.
NONPURPOSEFULnonpurposeful adj. Not purposeful.
POLYISOPRENESpolyisoprenes n. Plural of polyisoprene.
POLYISOPRENE n. a rubberlike polymer of isoprene.
POLYPHONOUSLYpolyphonously adv. In a polyphonous manner.
POLYPHONOUS adv. relating to polyphony, also POLYPHONIC.
PREPOSITIONALprepositional adj. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a preposition.
prepositional adj. (Grammar) Of the prepositional case.
prepositional n. (Grammar) The prepositional case.
PROCONSULSHIPproconsulship n. The office or status of a proconsul; a proconsulate.
PROCONSULSHIP n. the office of proconsul.
PROPORTIONALSproportionals n. Plural of proportional.
PROPORTIONAL n. a number or quantity in a proportion.
PROPOSITIONALpropositional adj. Relating to, or limited to, propositions.
PROPOSITIONAL adj. of the nature of a proposition.
REPOPULATIONSrepopulations n. Plural of repopulation.
REPOPULATION n. the act of repopulating.
SPOROPOLLENINsporopollenin n. (Botany) A combination of biopolymers, observed in the exine layer of the spore and pollen wall.
SPOROPOLLENIN n. a polymer that comprises the exine (outer layer of the wall) of spores and pollen grains.
SUBPOPULATIONsubpopulation n. A subdivision of a population.
SUBPOPULATION n. an identifiable fraction or subdivision of a population.
SUPPOSITIONALsuppositional adj. Relating to, or based on, supposition; hypothetical; conjectural.
SUPPOSITIONAL adj. having the nature of a supposition.
UNPHILOSOPHICunphilosophic adj. Not philosophic.
UNPHILOSOPHIC adj. not philosophic, also UNPHILOSOPHICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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