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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing L, M, O, P, 2T and Y

COMPATIBILITYcompatibility n. The state of being compatible; in which two or more things are able to exist or work together in combination…
compatibility n. (Telecommunications) the capability of two or more items or components of equipment or material to exist…
compatibility n. (Computing) the ability to execute a given program on different types of computers without modification…
COMPETITIVELYcompetitively adv. In a competitive manner.
COMPETITIVE adv. relating to competition.
COMPUTABILITYcomputability n. (Computing theory) The property of being computable by purely mechanical means.
COMPUTABILITY n. the quality of being computable.
DERMATOPLASTYdermatoplasty n. (Surgery) Plastic surgery of the skin, especially the use of skin grafts.
DERMATOPLASTY n. a plastic operation on the skin.
IMPORTABILITYimportability n. The property of being importable.
IMPORTABILITY n. the quality of being importable.
IMPORTUNATELYimportunately adv. In an importunate manner; with persistent or urgent solicitation.
IMPORTUNATE adv. stubbornly or unreasonably persistent.
INCOMPETENTLYincompetently adv. In an incompetent manner.
INCOMPETENT adv. not competent.
LYMPHOCYTOTIClymphocytotic adj. Relating to lymphocytosis.
LYMPHOCYTOTIC adj. relating to lymphocytosis, a great increase in leukocytes.
MULTIPOLARITYmultipolarity n. The condition of being multipolar.
MULTIPOLARITY n. the state of being multipolar.
MYTHOPOETICALmythopoetical adj. (Mythology) Pertaining to the creation of myths; pertaining to mythopoiesis.
MYTHOPOETICAL adj. relating to mythopoeia.
PNEUMATOLYTICpneumatolytic adj. (Geology) Relating to pneumatolysis.
PNEUMATOLYTIC adj. relating to pneumatolysis, the destructive action of the hot vapours of magma on igneous rock.
POLYGLOTTISMSpolyglottisms n. Plural of polyglottism.
POLYGLOTTISM n. the state of being polyglot.
PROMOTABILITYpromotability n. The ability to be promoted (in any sense).
PROMOTABILITY n. the state of being promotable.
STOMATOPLASTYstomatoplasty n. (Surgery) The operation of forming a mouth where the aperture has been contracted or deformed.
STOMATOPLASTY n. plastic surgery of the mouth.
SYMPATHOLYTICsympatholytic adj. (Medicine) That opposes the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
sympatholytic n. (Pharmacology) Any medicine having this effect.
SYMPATHOLYTIC adj. inhibiting the action of the sympathetic nervous system.
SYMPTOMATICALsymptomatical adj. Symptomatic.
SYMPTOMATICAL adj. relating to or displaying symptom, also SYMPTOMATIC.
TEMPESTUOUSLYtempestuously adv. In a tempestuous manner.
TEMPESTUOUS adv. of or like a tempest.
UNIMPORTANTLYunimportantly adv. In a way that is not important; insignificantly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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