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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2L, 2O, P, R and T

BALLISTOSPOREballistospore n. (Mycology) A spore that is ejected or shot off.
BALLISTOSPORE n. a spore, esp. a fungal spore, that is forcefully ejected from its source.
BULLETPROOFEDbulletproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bulletproof.
BULLETPROOF v. to make impenetrable to bullets.
CALCIPOTRIOLSSorry, definition not available.
CHLOROPLASTALchloroplastal adj. Relating to a chloroplast.
CHLOROPLASTAL adj. of or like a chloroplast, also CHLOROPLASTIC.
CHLOROPLASTICchloroplastic adj. Of or pertaining to a chloroplast.
chloroplastic adj. Containing chloroplasts.
CHLOROPLASTIC adj. of or like a chloroplast, also CHLOROPLASTAL.
COLLECTORSHIPcollectorship n. The rank or office of a collector of customs or other taxes.
COLLECTORSHIP n. the office of collector.
CRYPTOLOGICALcryptological adj. Of or relating to cryptology.
CRYPTOLOGICAL adj. relating to cryptology, the scientific study of codes, also CRYPTOLOGIC.
EXPLORATIONALexplorational adj. Of, pertaining to, or by means of exploration.
EXPLORATIONAL adj. relating to exploration.
GEOTROPICALLYgeotropically adv. In a geotropic manner.
GEOTROPIC adv. showing geotropism, a disposition to turn or incline towards the earth.
HELIOTROPICALheliotropical adj. Heliotropic.
HELIOTROPICAL adj. turning towards the sun, also HELIOTROPIC.
ISOTROPICALLYisotropically adv. In an isotropic manner; so as to exhibit the same properties or behavior in all directions.
ISOTROPIC adv. having the same properties in every direction, also ISOTROPOUS.
OPERATIONALLYoperationally adv. In an operational manner; in accordance with an operation.
OPERATIONAL adv. of or relating to operation or to an operation.
ORTHOEPICALLYorthoepically adv. In an orthoepical manner: pronounced correctly or in accordance with standard usage.
ORTHOEPICAL adv. relating to orthoepy, the study of correct pronunciation, also ORTHOEPIC.
PERIODONTALLYperiodontally adv. In a periodontal way.
PERIODONTAL adv. investing or surrounding a tooth.
PROBATIONALLYprobationally adv. In a probational manner.
PROBATIONAL adv. relating to, serving purpose of, probation or trial.
PROCTOLOGICALproctological adj. Relating to proctology.
PROCTOLOGICAL adj. relating to proctology, the study of the rectum, also PROCTOLOGIC.
REPORTORIALLYreportorially adv. In a reportorial manner.
REPORTORIAL adv. relating to the work of a reporter.
SOMATOPLEURALsomatopleural adj. (Embryology) Pertaining to the somatopleure; somatopleuric.
SOMATOPLEURAL adj. of or like a somatopleure, also SOMATOPLEURIC.
TROPOCOLLAGENtropocollagen n. (Biochemistry) A component of fibres of collagen in which three polypeptide chains are coiled around each other.
TROPOCOLLAGEN n. a subunit of collagen fibrils consisting of three polypeptide strands arranged in a helix.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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