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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2L, N, 2S, T and Y

COESSENTIALLYcoessentially adv. In a coessential manner.
COESSENTIAL adv. religion, formed from same substance.
CRYSTALLISINGcrystallising v. Present participle of crystallise.
EMOTIONLESSLYemotionlessly adv. Without emotion.
EMOTIONLESS adv. expressing no emotion.
LYSOLECITHINSlysolecithins n. Plural of lysolecithin.
LYSOLECITHIN n. a hydrolytic substance formed by the enzymatic hydrolysis (as by some snake venoms) of a lecithin.
OBSOLESCENTLYobsolescently adv. In an obsolescent manner.
OBSOLESCENT adv. not functional, but not reduced to a rudiment.
PALYNOLOGISTSpalynologists n. Plural of palynologist.
PALYNOLOGIST n. a student of palynology.
POLYTONALISMSPOLYTONALISM n. the state of being polytonal, having many keys.
POLYTONALISTSPOLYTONALIST n. one who writes polytonal music.
SENSATIONALLYsensationally adv. In a sensational manner.
sensationally adv. To a sensational extent; amazingly.
SENSATIONAL adv. of or relating to sensation or the senses.
SNOLLYGOSTERSsnollygosters n. Plural of snollygoster.
SNOLLYGOSTER n. a shrewd unprincipled person, esp. a dishonest politician.
STENOPHYLLOUSstenophyllous adj. (Botany) Having narrow leaves.
STENOPHYLLOUS adj. with narrow leaves.
STORYTELLINGSstorytellings n. Plural of storytelling.
STORYTELLING n. the craft of telling stories.
STYLELESSNESSstylelessness n. Absence of style.
STYLELESSNESS n. the state of being styleless.
SUBSTANTIALLYsubstantially adv. In a strong substantial manner; considerably.
substantially adv. To a great extent; in essence; essentially.
substantially adv. Without material qualifications.
SYLLOGISATIONsyllogisation n. Alternative form of syllogization.
SYLLOGISATION n. the process of syllogising, also SYLLOGIZATION.
TRANSVERSALLYtransversally adv. In a transverse manner.
transversally adv. In regard to a transversal.
transversally adv. In a way that exhibits or pertains to transversality; connecting hetergeneous elements (fields, kinds of people, etc).
UNESSENTIALLYunessentially adv. In an unessential way.
UNESSENTIAL adv. not essential.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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