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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 6 twelve-letter words containing L, M, O, 2R and 2T

ELECTROMETERelectrometer n. A device used to detect and measure static electricity; an electroscope.
electrometer n. A precision voltmeter that draws almost no current from the circuit.
ELECTROMETER n. an instrument for measuring electrical potential.
ELECTROMETRYelectrometry n. The art or process of taking electrical measurements.
ELECTROMETRY n. the science of electrical measurements.
ELECTROMOTORelectromotor n. (Physics) Any device that generates electricity.
electromotor n. (Physics) Any device that converts electricity into motion.
ELECTROMOTOR n. a device for applying electricity as a motive power.
MATRICULATORmatriculator n. Someone who matriculates, an enroller on a course, especially for a school.
MATRICULATOR n. one who matriculates.
TELEPROMPTERteleprompter n. A device placed near or on a television camera that displays scrolling text, allowing a person to read…
TELLUROMETERtellurometer n. A surveying instrument that uses radar to measure distances.
TELLUROMETER n. an instrument using microwaves to measure distance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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