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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing L, M, N, O, R and 2T

ANTITUMOURALantitumoural adj. Antitumour.
ANTITUMOURAL adj. preventing or acting against tumours, also ANTITUMOR, ANTITUMORAL, ANTITUMOUR.
CONTEMPLATORcontemplator n. One who contemplates.
CONTEMPLATOR n. one who contemplates.
CONTROLMENTScontrolments n. Plural of controlment.
CONTROLMENT n. the act or power of controlling.
ENTEROSTOMALenterostomal adj. Relating to enterostomy.
ENTEROSTOMAL adj. relating to enterostomy.
FORESTALMENTforestalment n. Alternative form of forestallment.
FORESTALMENT n. the act of forestalling.
MALNUTRITIONmalnutrition n. A lack of adequate nourishment.
MALNUTRITION n. inadequate or faulty nutrition.
MALTODEXTRINmaltodextrin n. (Biochemistry) A type of dextrin commonly used as a food additive.
MALTODEXTRIN n. any of various carbohydrates derived from the partial hydrolysis of starch (as of corn or potatoes).
MATURATIONALmaturational adj. (Biology) Of, pertaining to, or promoting maturation.
MATURATIONAL adj. relating to maturation.
METROPOLITANmetropolitan n. (Orthodox Christianity) A bishop empowered to oversee other bishops; an archbishop.
metropolitan n. The inhabitant of a metropolis.
metropolitan adj. (Orthodox Christianity) Pertaining to the see or province of a metropolitan.
MONOLATRISTSMONOLATRIST n. one who worships one god only out of many believed to exist, also MONOLATER.
MULTICOUNTRYmulticountry adj. Spanning or encompassing many countries.
PROTONEMATALprotonematal adj. Relating to protonemata.
PROTONEMATAL adj. of or like a protonema, the primary growth from the spore of a moss, also PROTONEMAL.
REALLOTMENTSreallotments n. Plural of reallotment.
REALLOTMENT n. the act of allotting again.
STENOTHERMALstenothermal adj. (Biology) Able to tolerate only a narrow range of temperatures.
STENOTHERMAL adj. capable of surviving over only a narrow range of temperatures.
TORMENTINGLYtormentingly adv. In a tormenting manner.
TORMENTING adv. inflicting great bodily or mental suffering.
TRAMPOLINISTtrampolinist n. A person who takes part in trampolining.
TRAMPOLINIST n. one who uses a trampoline, also TRAMPOLINER.
TRINOMIALISTtrinomialist n. One who uses or promotes trinomial nomenclature.
TRINOMIALIST n. a proponent of trinomialism.
TROCHELMINTHtrochelminth n. (Zoology, obsolete) Any member of the Trochelminthes.
TROCHELMINTH n. any invertebrate of the former taxonomic group Trochelminthes, which included the rotifers and gastrotrichs.
ULTRAMONTANEultramontane adj. (Theology) Promoting the supremacy of the Pope.
ultramontane adj. From the other side of a mountain range, particularly the Alps.
ultramontane n. Someone who acknowledges the supremacy of the Pope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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