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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing L, 2O, S, T, U and Y

ATROCIOUSLYatrociously adv. In an atrocious manner.
ATROCIOUS adv. terrible.
AUTOSOMALLYautosomally adv. In an autosomal way.
AUTOSOMAL adv. of or like an autosome, a chromosome other than a sex chromosome.
BOUNTEOUSLYbounteously adv. In a bounteous manner.
BOUNTEOUS adv. generous.
COTYLOSAURScotylosaurs n. Plural of cotylosaur.
COTYLOSAUR n. an extinct primitive reptile with massive body and short legs.
COURTEOUSLYcourteously adv. In a courteous manner; with obliging civility or condescension; politely.
COURTEOUS adv. polite, considerate.
FLUOROTYPESfluorotypes n. Plural of fluorotype.
FLUOROTYPE n. (obsolete) photography by means of fluorides.
MOMENTOUSLYmomentously adv. In a momentous manner.
MOMENTOUS adv. of great consequence.
MONOSTYLOUSmonostylous adj. (Botany) Having a single style.
MONOSTYLOUS adj. having only one style.
MONSTROUSLYmonstrously adv. In a monstrous manner.
MONSTROUS adv. huge, like a monster, also MONSTRUOUS.
MYELOMATOUSmyelomatous adj. (Pathology) Relating to a myeloma.
MYELOMATOUS adj. relating to a myeloma, a tumour of the bone marrow.
NOTORIOUSLYnotoriously adv. In a notorious or notable manner; as is commonly known.
NOTORIOUS adv. infamous.
OUTSPOKENLYoutspokenly adv. In an outspoken manner.
OUTSPOKEN adv. frank, speaking one's mind.
POLYCHETOUSpolychetous adj. Alternative form of polychaetous.
POLYCHETOUS adj. of, relating to, or belonging to the class Polychaeta, also POLYCHAETOUS.
POLYESTROUSpolyestrous adj. (Biology) Having multiple periods of estrus in a year, or during a breeding season.
POLYESTROUS adj. having more than one period of estrus in a year.
POSTULATORYpostulatory adj. Of the nature of a postulate.
postulatory adj. Supplicatory.
POSTULATORY adj. assuming or assumed as a postulate.
STYLOPODIUMstylopodium n. (Botany) An expansion at the base of the style, as in umbelliferous plants.
STYLOPODIUM n. an enlargement at the end of the style base of certain flowers.
THELYTOKOUSthelytokous adj. That produces female offspring (only).
THELYTOKOUS adj. producing only female offspring.
TORTUROUSLYtorturously adv. In a torturous fashion, or as if in torture.
TORTUROUS adv. involving, or pertaining to, torture.
TROUBLOUSLYtroublously adv. In a troublous manner.
TROUBLOUS adv. (archaic) troublesome.
WOOLLYBUTTSwoollybutts n. Plural of woollybutt.
WOOLLYBUTT n. a kind of eucalyptus with fibrous bark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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