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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing L, N, O, 2S, T and V

CONCLAVISTSconclavists n. Plural of conclavist.
CONCLAVIST n. one of the two ecclesiastics allowed to attend a cardinal in the conclave.
CONVULSANTSconvulsants n. Plural of convulsant.
CONVULSANT n. an agent, esp. a drug, that causes convulsions.
DISSOLVENTSdissolvents n. Plural of dissolvent.
DISSOLVENT n. a solvent.
LOVASTATINSlovastatins n. Plural of lovastatin.
LOVASTATIN n. a drug used to lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
OSTENSIVELYostensively adv. (Manner) In an ostensive manner.
ostensively adv. (Modal) Ostensibly.
OSTENSIVE adv. showing, exhibiting.
PONTLEVISESPONTLEVIS n. (French) a drawbridge.
SALIVATIONSsalivations n. Plural of salivation.
SALIVATION n. the act of salivating.
SLOVENLIESTslovenliest adj. Superlative form of slovenly: most slovenly.
SLOVENLY adj. habitually untidy or unclean.
SOLIVAGANTSsolivagants n. Plural of solivagant.
SOLIVAGANT n. one who wanders alone.
SOLVENTLESSsolventless adj. That does not use a solvent.
SOLVENTLESS adj. without solvent.
TELEVISIONStelevisions n. Plural of television.
televisions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of television.
TELEVISION n. the transmission by radio waves, and reproduction on a screen, of visual images, usually accompanied by sound.
VINOLOGISTSvinologists n. Plural of vinologist.
VINOLOGIST n. a student of vinology, the scientific study of vines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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