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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing L, N, 3O, T and U

COEVOLUTIONcoevolution n. (Ecology, evolutionary theory) The evolution of organisms of two or more species in which each adapts…
co-evolution n. Alternative spelling of coevolution.
COEVOLUTION n. the parallel evolution of two kinds of organisms that are interdependent, like flowers and their pollinators, and where any change in one will result in an adaptive response in the other.
COLOURATIONcolouration n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of coloration.
COLOURATION n. the act of colouring; the state of being coloured, also COLORATION.
COLOURPOINTcolourpoint n. (Felinology) Any of several forms of Siamese cat and closely-related breeds that have dark tips to the extremities.
COLOURPOINT n. a breed of domestic cat, also COLORPOINT.
CONVOLUTIONconvolution n. A twist or fold.
convolution n. Any of the folds on the surface of the brain.
convolution n. The shape of something rotating; a vortex.
MONOLATROUSmonolatrous adj. Worshipping only one god.
MONOLATROUS adj. worshipping one god only out of many believed to exist.
MONOLOGUISTmonologuist n. Alternative spelling of monologist.
MONOLOGUIST n. one who gives monologues, also MONOLOGIST.
MONOSTYLOUSmonostylous adj. (Botany) Having a single style.
MONOSTYLOUS adj. having only one style.
MONTICOLOUSmonticolous adj. (Zoology) Living on a mountain.
MONTICOLOUS adj. mountain-dwelling.
NONSOLUTIONnonsolution n. That which is not a solution; a proposed solution that is ineffective or unworkable.
NONSOLUTION n. something that is not a solution.
NOTORIOUSLYnotoriously adv. In a notorious or notable manner; as is commonly known.
NOTORIOUS adv. infamous.
OBVOLUTIONSOBVOLUTION n. the state of being obvolute, having a margin that alternately overlaps and is overlapped by that of an opposing leaf.
OCTONOCULARoctonocular adj. Having eight eyes.
OCTONOCULAR adj. having eight eyes.
OUTBLOOMINGoutblooming v. Present participle of outbloom.
OUTBLOOM v. to surpass in blooming.
POULTROONESPOULTROONE n. (Shakespeare) a poltroon, also POLTROON.
PROLOCUTIONprolocution n. (Obsolete) An introductory speech.
prolocution n. (Obsolete) Speaking on behalf of others.
PROLOCUTION n. an introductory speech or saying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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