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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing L, M, N, R, 2S and T

CENTRALISMScentralisms n. Plural of centralism.
CENTRALISM n. the tendency or policy of administering by the sovereign or central government matters which would be otherwise under local management.
DISMANTLERSdismantlers n. Plural of dismantler.
DISMANTLER n. one who dismantles.
EMPLASTRONSEMPLASTRON n. a medicated plaster, also EMPLASTRUM.
GARMENTLESSgarmentless adj. Without garments.
GARMENTLESS adj. without garments.
LUMINARISTSLUMINARIST n. a painter who shows great mastery of light and shade.
MARTIALNESSmartialness n. The quality of being martial or warlike.
MARTIALNESS n. the state of being martial.
MINERALISTSmineralists n. Plural of mineralist.
MINERALIST n. one versed in minerals; a mineralogist.
MONSTROUSLYmonstrously adv. In a monstrous manner.
MONSTROUS adv. huge, like a monster, also MONSTRUOUS.
NATURALISMSnaturalisms n. Plural of naturalism.
NATURALISM n. the belief that the world can be explained in terms of natural forces.
NEUTRALISMSneutralisms n. Plural of neutralism.
NEUTRALISM n. a position or doctrine of neutrality.
RESILEMENTSRESILEMENT n. the act of resiling.
SPORTSMANLYsportsmanly adj. Befitting a sportsman; being or demonstrating the conduct expected of players of sport.
SPORTSMANLY adj. like a sportsman.
STREAMLINESstreamlines n. Plural of streamline.
STREAMLINE v. to design or construct with a streamline.
STREAMLINGSstreamlings n. Plural of streamling.
STREAMLING n. a small stream.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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