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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2L, N, O, 2S and T

ALLANTOISESallantoises n. Plural of allantois.
ALLANTOIS n. a saclike fetal membrane developing into umbilical cord and forming part of the placenta, also ALLANTOID.
BALLOONISTSballoonists n. Plural of balloonist.
BALLOONIST n. a person who operates or rides in a balloon.
BULLIONISTSbullionists n. Plural of bullionist.
BULLIONIST n. one in favour of metallic currency.
COUNTLESSLYcountlessly adv. Too numerously to be counted; without end.
COUNTLESS adv. beyond counting.
FRONTLESSLYfrontlessly adv. (Obsolete) shamelessly; impudently.
FRONTLESS adv. shameless, brazen.
HOSTELLINGSHOSTELLING n. the act of staying overnight in hostels when travelling, also HOSTELING.
ILLUSIONISTillusionist n. One who works with illusion or sleight of hand.
illusionist n. One who deceives by magical or mystical means.
ILLUSIONIST n. a person who produces illusory effects.
LOATHLINESSloathliness n. The state or condition of being loathly; hideousness.
LOATHLINESS n. the state of being loathly.
PILLIONISTSpillionists n. Plural of pillionist.
PILLIONIST n. one who rides pillion.
PLANOBLASTSplanoblasts n. Plural of planoblast.
PLANOBLAST n. any free-swimming gonophore of a hydroid; a hydroid medusa.
POINTLESSLYpointlessly adv. Without point; in a pointless manner; so as to lack purpose or importance.
POINTLESS adv. with no point, futile.
POSTILLIONSpostillions n. Plural of postillion (alternative spelling of postilions).
POSTILLION n. (historical) a person who rides near horse of those drawing coach etc. and acts as guide to the whole team, also POSTILION.
SCINTILLONSSCINTILLON n. a luminescent body present in the cytoplasm of some dinoflagellates.
SEPTILLIONSseptillions n. Plural of septillion.
SEPTILLION n. a thousand raised to the eighth power (10 to the 24).
SEXTILLIONSsextillions n. Plural of sextillion.
SEXTILLION n. a thousand raised to the seventh power (10 to the 21).
SLOVENLIESTslovenliest adj. Superlative form of slovenly: most slovenly.
SLOVENLY adj. habitually untidy or unclean.
SOLVENTLESSsolventless adj. That does not use a solvent.
SOLVENTLESS adj. without solvent.
SPALLATIONSspallations n. Plural of spallation.
SPALLATION n. splitting into numerous fragments of the nucleus of an atom by high-energy bombardment.
TOILFULNESStoilfulness n. The state, quality, or condition of being toilful.
TOILFULNESS n. the state of being toilful.
TONSILLITIStonsillitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the tonsils.
TONSILLITIS n. inflammation of the tonsils, also TONSILITIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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