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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing L, 2N, O, S, T and U

ANOVULANTSanovulants n. Plural of anovulant.
ANOVULANT n. a drug that inhibits ovulation.
CONFLUENTSconfluents n. Plural of confluent.
CONFLUENT n. a stream uniting and flowing with another.
CONSULTANTconsultant n. A person or party that is consulted.
consultant n. A person whose occupation is to be consulted for their expertise, advice, service or help in an area…
consultant n. (Medicine, UK, Ireland) A senior hospital-based physician or surgeon who has completed all specialist…
CONSULTINGconsulting v. Present participle and gerund of consult.
consulting n. Short for consulting physician.
CONSULTING n. the act of asking an opinion.
CONVULSANTconvulsant adj. Causing or producing convulsions; convulsive.
convulsant n. Anything, such as a drug, that causes convulsions.
CONVULSANT n. an agent, esp. a drug, that causes convulsions.
COUNTLINEScountlines n. Plural of countline.
COUNTLINE n. a confectionery bar made as an individual item, e.g. a filled chocolate bar, rather than as moulded chocolate.
ENSOULMENTensoulment n. The act or process of ensouling; the act of a developing human being given a soul.
ENSOULMENT n. the act of animating with a soul, also INSOULMENT.
INOCULANTSinoculants n. Plural of inoculant.
INOCULANT n. any material used in inoculation, also INOCULUM.
INSOULMENTINSOULMENT n. the act of animating with a soul, also ENSOULMENT.
INSULATIONinsulation n. The act of insulating; detachment from other objects; isolation.
insulation n. The state of being insulated; detachment from other objects; isolation.
insulation n. Any of a variety of materials designed to reduce the flow of heat, either from or into a building.
NOCTURNALSnocturnals n. Plural of nocturnal.
NOCTURNAL n. a nocturnal creature.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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