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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing L, M, N, O, P, S and T

COMPLAINTScomplaints n. Plural of complaint.
COMPLAINT n. an instance or the act of complaining.
ELOPEMENTSelopements n. Plural of elopement.
ELOPEMENT n. the act of eloping.
EMPLASTRONemplastron n. (Medicine, archaic) A plaster.
EMPLASTRON n. a medicated plaster, also EMPLASTRUM.
EMPLECTONSemplectons n. Plural of emplecton.
EMPLECTON n. (archaic) ashlar masonry filled up with rubble, also EMPLECTUM.
IMPLETIONSimpletions n. Plural of impletion.
IMPLETION n. filling, fullness.
IMPLODENTSimplodents n. Plural of implodent.
IMPLODENT n. an implosive sound.
LAMPOONISTlampoonist n. One who lampoons.
LAMPOONIST n. one who composes lampoons.
MONOPOLISTmonopolist n. One who has, or attempts to acquire, a monopoly on something.
MONOPOLIST n. a person who monopolizes.
MOSSPLANTSMOSSPLANT n. a plant of moss.
PALMATIONSpalmations n. Plural of palmation.
PALMATION n. all or part of a palmate structure.
PLATONISMSPLATONISM n. the philosophy of Plato.
PLUTONISMSplutonisms n. Plural of plutonism.
PLUTONISM n. the theory that the earth's crust was formed by volcanoes.
PLUTONIUMSplutoniums n. Plural of plutonium.
PLUTONIUM n. a naturally radioactive, silvery, metallic transuranic element.
POLISHMENTpolishment n. The act of polishing, or the state of being polished.
POLISHMENT n. the act of polishing, or the state of being polished.
POLYSEMANTpolysemant n. A word or phrase with more than one meaning.
POLYSEMANT n. a word with many meanings.
POSTLIMINYpostliminy n. Alternative form of postliminium.
POSTLIMINY n. the right by which persons and property seized in war are restored to former status on recovery, also POSTLIMINIUM.
PULMONATESpulmonates n. Plural of pulmonate.
PULMONATE n. a member of the Pulmonata, an air-breathing order or subclass of Gastropoda.
SIMPLETONSsimpletons n. Plural of simpleton.
SIMPLETON n. a feebleminded person.
TRAMPOLINStrampolins n. Plural of trampolin.
TRAMPOLIN n. a springy mat for bouncing on, also TRAMPOLINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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