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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing L, 3S, T and U

CRUSTLESScrustless adj. (Cooking) Having no crust.
CRUSTLESS adj. without a crust.
CUTLASSEScutlasses n. Plural of cutlass.
CUTLASS n. a curved, one-edged sword formerly used by sailors, also CUTLAS.
LUSTINESSlustiness n. The property of having or experiencing lust, of being lusty.
LUSTINESS n. the state of being lusty.
MASSCULTSMASSCULT n. culture as promoted by the mass media.
SILURISTSSilurists n. Plural of Silurist.
SILURIST n. a member of the ancient British Silurian tribe.
SLUGFESTSslugfests n. Plural of slugfest.
SLUGFEST n. a vigorous fight.
SLUSHIESTslushiest adj. Superlative form of slushy: most slushy.
SLUSHY adj. resembling slush.
SNOUTLESSsnoutless adj. Without a snout.
SNOUTLESS adj. without a snout.
SOULSTERSsoulsters n. Plural of soulster.
SOULSTER n. a singer of soul music.
SPOUTLESSspoutless adj. Having no spout.
SPOUTLESS adj. having no spout.
STRESSFULstressful adj. Irritating; causing stress.
STRESSFUL adj. causing stress.
STREUSELSstreusels n. Plural of streusel.
STREUSEL n. (German) a crumb-like cake or pie topping of flour, sugar, butter, and nuts.
STUFFLESSstuffless adj. (Informal) without unnecessary things.
STUFFLESS adj. lacking in stuff.
STUNSAILSstunsails n. Plural of stunsail.
STUNSAIL n. a contraction of studdingsail, an additional sail set at the outer edges of a square sail when the wind is light and abaft the beam.
SUBSTYLESsubstyles n. Plural of substyle.
SUBSTYLE n. the straight line on which the style of a dial is erected.
SUBSULTUSsubsultus n. (Medicine) A starting, twitching, or convulsive motion.
SUBSULTUS n. (Latin) a convulsive or twitching movement.
SULTANESSsultaness n. A sultana (female relative of a sultan).
SULTANESS n. a female sultan.
TRUSTLESStrustless adj. Lacking trust; untrusting.
trustless adj. (Computing, cryptocurrencies) Which does not need any trust, or a trusted third party.
trustless adj. (Obsolete) Untrustworthy; not deserving to be trusted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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