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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing L, R, 3S and U

BRUSHLESSbrushless adj. Not using brushes, of a motor that does not use physical contacts for the commutator.
brushless adj. Not requiring the use of a brush.
BRUSHLESS adj. without a brush.
CRUSTLESScrustless adj. (Cooking) Having no crust.
CRUSTLESS adj. without a crust.
PRESSFULSpressfuls n. Plural of pressful.
PRESSFUL n. the contents of a press e.g. of oil or wine.
ROSESLUGSroseslugs n. Plural of roseslug.
rose␣slugs n. Plural of rose slug.
ROSESLUG n. a larval sawfly that eats rose leaves.
SHRUBLESSshrubless adj. Without shrubs.
SHRUBLESS adj. having no shrubs.
SILURISTSSilurists n. Plural of Silurist.
SILURIST n. a member of the ancient British Silurian tribe.
SOULSTERSsoulsters n. Plural of soulster.
SOULSTER n. a singer of soul music.
STRESSFULstressful adj. Irritating; causing stress.
STRESSFUL adj. causing stress.
STREUSELSstreusels n. Plural of streusel.
STREUSEL n. (German) a crumb-like cake or pie topping of flour, sugar, butter, and nuts.
SUBLESSORsublessor n. (Property law) A tenant (or lessee) that grants a sublease; one who sublets.
sub-lessor n. Alternative form of sublessor.
SUBLESSOR n. a person who grants a sublease, a lease by a tenant or lessee to another person.
SUGARLESSsugarless adj. Containing no refined sugar as an ingredient.
SUGARLESS adj. without sugar; free from sugar.
SURGELESSsurgeless adj. Free from surges; smooth; calm.
SURGELESS adj. free from surges; smooth.
SURLINESSsurliness n. The property of being surly.
SURLINESS n. the state of being surly.
SURMISALSsurmisals n. Plural of surmisal.
SURMISAL n. a guess.
SURPLUSESsurpluses n. Plural of surplus.
surpluses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of surplus.
SURPLUS n. an excess.
TRUSTLESStrustless adj. Lacking trust; untrusting.
trustless adj. (Computing, cryptocurrencies) Which does not need any trust, or a trusted third party.
trustless adj. (Obsolete) Untrustworthy; not deserving to be trusted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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