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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing L, O, P, S and 2U

BULLPOUTSbullpouts n. Plural of bullpout.
BULLPOUT n. a freshwater fish of many species, aka bullhead.
CRAPULOUScrapulous adj. Characterized by excessive eating or drinking.
crapulous adj. Suffering physically from the consequences of excessive eating or drinking.
crapulous adj. Surcharged with liquor; sick from excessive indulgence in drinking or eating.
OPUSCULAROPUSCULAR adj. of or like an opuscule.
OPUSCULESopuscules n. Plural of opuscule.
OPUSCULE n. a short work, also OPUSCLE, OPUSCULUM.
OPUSCULUMopusculum n. An opuscule; a short work.
OPUSCULUM n. a short work, also OPUSCLE, OPUSCULE.
OUTPUPILSOUTPUPIL n. a student sent to a different school from the one he or she would normally attend.
PENDULOUSpendulous adj. Hanging from, or as if from, a support.
pendulous adj. Indecisive or hesitant.
pendulous adj. (Biology) having branches etc. that bend downwards; drooping or weeping.
PLUMBEOUSplumbeous adj. Consisting of, or resembling, lead.
plumbeous adj. (Rare) Dull; heavy; stupid.
PLUMBEOUS adj. leaden; lead-coloured.
PLUMULOSEplumulose adj. Having hairs branching out laterally, like the parts of a feather.
PLUMULOSE adj. having hairs branching out laterally, like the parts of a feather.
POUCHFULSpouchfuls n. Plural of pouchful.
POUCHFUL n. as much as a pouch can hold.
PULVEROUSpulverous adj. Resembling or consisting of dust or powder.
PULVEROUS adj. dusty or powder.
PUSTULOUSpustulous adj. Bearing pustules.
pustulous adj. Resembling a pustule.
PUSTULOUS adj. of or pertaining to pustules, also PUSTULAR.
SPINULOUSspinulous adj. Covered with small spines.
SPINULOUS adj. covered with small spines, also SPINULOSE.
UNCOUPLESuncouples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncouple.
UNCOUPLE v. to disconnect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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