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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing L, 2O, R and 2T

CONTRALTOcontralto n. (Music) The lowest female voice or voice part, falling between tenor and mezzo-soprano. The terms contralto…
CONTRALTO n. (Italian) the part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices.
GLOBETROTglobetrot v. (Intransitive) To frequently travel worldwide.
globe-trot n. A trip around the world.
globe-trot v. To travel all over the world for pleasure and sightseeing.
MORTCLOTHmortcloth n. Alternative form of mort cloth.
mort␣cloth n. (UK, obsolete) A pall for a coffin; a casket saddle.
MORTCLOTH n. a pall.
ROOTSTALKrootstalk n. (Botany) Synonym of rhizome.
ROOTSTALK n. an underground stem producing roots and leafy shoots, aka rhizome.
ROTOTILLSrototills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rototill.
ROTOTILL v. to till soil with a type of farming implement.
STOLPORTSSTOLports n. Plural of STOLport.
STOLPORT n. an airport for aircraft needing shorter runways.
TELEROBOTtelerobot n. A robot that can be controlled remotely; a telerobotic system.
TELEROBOT n. a robot under continuous human control), for example as used to perform a task in an area unsafe for the human operator such as in nuclear decommissioning.
TILTROTORtiltrotor n. An aircraft that has powered rotors mounted on engine pods that can rotate to provide lift and/or propulsion.
TILTROTOR n. an aircraft with rotors that can be tilted.
TOLERATORtolerator n. One who tolerates.
TOLERATOR n. one who tolerates.
TORTILLONtortillon n. An artist’s tool used to smudge and blend a drawing made from charcoal, pencil, or pastel, consisting…
TORTILLON n. a short sharply-pointed stick of cork or rolled leather, used in drawing and shading.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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