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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing L, N, 2O, T and Y

ANTHOLOGYanthology n. A collection of literary works, such as poems or short stories, especially a collection from various authors.
anthology n. (Attributive) A work or series containing various stories with no direct relation to one another.
anthology n. (By extension) An assortment of things.
COLOCYNTHcolocynth n. A viny plant, Citrullus colocynthis, native to the Mediterranean Basin and Asia. It produces a lemon-sized…
colocynth n. The powdered pulp of this fruit, a powerful hepatic stimulant and hydragogue cathartic used as a strong laxative.
COLOCYNTH n. (Greek) a cucurbitaceous plant with bitter-tasting gourds, also COLOQUINTIDA.
COTYLEDONcotyledon n. (Physiology) Each of the patches of villi on the foetal chorion in the placenta of ruminants and some other mammals.
cotyledon n. (Botany) The leaf of the embryo of a seed-bearing plant; after germination it becomes the first leaves…
COTYLEDON n. an embryonic leaf within a seed which may act as a food reserve or which may grow and photosynthesize.
CYCLOTRONcyclotron n. An early particle accelerator in which charged particles were generated at a central source and accelerated…
CYCLOTRON n. a type of particle accelerator.
ETHNOLOGYethnology n. (Anthropology) The branch of anthropology that studies and compares the different human cultures.
ETHNOLOGY n. cultural anthropology; the science concerned with the varieties of the human race.
HOLYSTONEholystone n. (Nautical) A piece of soft sandstone used for scouring the wooden decks of ships, usually with sand and seawater.
holystone n. A stone with a naturally-formed hole, used by Yorkshiremen for good luck.
holystone v. (Transitive) To use a holystone.
MONOCOTYLmonocotyl n. (Botany) Any monocotyledonous plant.
MONOCOTYL n. a plant having a single cotyledon, also MONOCOT, MONOCOTYLEDON.
MONOLATRYmonolatry n. The worship of a single deity (possibly while believing in the existence of others).
MONOLATRY n. worship of one god without excluding belief in others.
MONOSTELYmonostely n. (Botany) The property of being monostelic.
MONOSTELY n. a single stele, also MONOSTELE.
MONOSTYLEmonostyle adj. (Architecture) Having a single column.
MONOSTYLE adj. consisting of a single shaft, also MONOSTYLAR.
MYLODONTSmylodonts n. Plural of mylodont.
MYLODONT n. (Greek) an extinct genus of large sloth-like American edentates, also MYLODON.
NOSTOLOGYnostology n. The study of senility; gerontology.
NOSTOLOGY n. the study of senility.
ODONTALGYodontalgy n. Archaic form of odontalgia.
ODONTALGY n. toothache, also ODONTALGIA.
ONCOLYTIConcolytic adj. That breaks up cancer cells.
oncolytic n. Any drug or substance that breaks up cancer cells.
ONCOLYTIC n. an agent that destroys tumours.
OROTUNDLYorotundly adv. In an orotund manner.
OROTUND adv. marked by fullness and clarity of sound; pompous.
PLUTONOMYplutonomy n. (Sometimes derogatory) The study of the production and distribution of wealth, or a society seen as…
PLUTONOMY n. economics.
POLYTONALpolytonal adj. (Music) That uses two or more tonalities simultaneously.
POLYTONAL adj. of music, having many keys.
TELEONOMYteleonomy n. (Evolutionary theory) The quality of living organisms of seeming to be organized towards the attainment of an end.
TELEONOMY n. the property of living systems of being organized towards the attainment of ends without true purposiveness.
TOPONYMALtoponymal adj. Toponymic.
TOPONYMAL adj. relating to toponymy, the study of place-names, also TOPONYMIC, TOPONYMICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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