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There are 19 nine-letter words containing L, M, 2O, R and U

ALUMROOTSalumroots n. Plural of alumroot.
ALUMROOT n. a North American flower of the saxifrage genus.
AMOROUSLYamorously adv. In an amorous or loving manner.
AMOROUS adv. pertaining to love.
CLAMOROUSclamorous adj. Of or pertaining to clamor.
clamorous adj. Having especially (and often unpleasantly) bright or contrasting colours or patterns.
CLAMOROUS adj. loud, full of clamour.
CLUBROOMSclubrooms n. Plural of clubroom.
CLUBROOM n. a room in a club.
COLOSTRUMcolostrum n. (Medicine) A form of milk produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy and the few days after giving…
colostrum n. A mixture of turpentine and egg yolk, formerly used as an emulsion.
COLOSTRUM n. (Latin) milk secreted for a few days after parturition, characterised by high protein and antibody content.
COLOURISMcolourism n. (British spelling) Alternative form of colorism.
COLOURISM n. discrimination in which people are judged on the basis of their skin colour, also COLORISM.
COLOURMANcolourman n. A man who sells (and, formerly, prepares) an artist’s paints.
colourman n. (British spelling, broadcasting) A commentator employed to provide background information, analysis…
colour␣man n. Alternative form of colourman.
COLOURMENcolourmen n. Plural of colourman.
colour␣men n. Plural of colour man.
COLOURMAN n. a person who prepares or sells paints.
GLAMOROUSglamorous adj. Having glamour; stylish.
glamorous adj. (Archaic) Being associated with one or more glamours.
GLAMOROUS adj. having glamour, also GLAMOUROUS.
HORDEOLUMhordeolum n. Stye, sty. An infection of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid. This is distinguished from a chalazion…
HORDEOLUM n. a small tumor upon the eyelid, resembling a grain of barley.
LUNCHROOMlunchroom n. A room designated as a place to eat lunch.
lunchroom n. A diner or small restaurant that serves lunch.
LUNCHROOM n. a room where lunch is served.
LYOMEROUSLYOMEROUS adj. relating to the Lyomeri, soft-bodied fishes.
MALODOURSmalodours n. Plural of malodour.
MALODOUR n. an offensive odor, also MALODOR, MALAROMA.
MISCOLOURmiscolour v. (Transitive) To give a wrong colour to.
miscolour v. (Transitive, figuratively) To set forth erroneously or unfairly.
MISCOLOUR v. to give a wrong color to; (figurative) to set forth erroneously or unfairly; as, to miscolour facts, also MISCOLOR.
MODULATORmodulator n. A person who modulates.
modulator n. A device or thing that modulates.
modulator n. (Music) A chart in the tonic sol-fa notation on which the modulations or changes from one scale to another…
MONOCULARmonocular adj. Having one eye.
monocular adj. Related to a monocle.
monocular adj. Of any optical system suitable for use by one eye at a time.
MONOVULARmonovular adj. (Of twins) Synonym of identical (“derived from the same ovum; monozygotic”).
MONOVULAR adj. having one ovule.
MULTIROOMmultiroom adj. Spanning, or comprising, more than one room.
MULTIROOM adj. having many rooms.
PULMOTORSpulmotors n. Plural of pulmotor.
PULMOTOR n. a respiratory device.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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